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<br />. >, <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />Minui's~: cf ~2';;_;lar Ccunci Msstiflg <br />P~!ga of; ve <br /> <br />/HJgUSi' 25 ~ 19,'"5 <br /> <br />S,,'rerbak not.d that a 3>Jrface I-'Jn-,of' co! lact, Or! a'-as will be provided <br />on tns site - dr!lnage Is generally to the northwest and to tha duck <br />pond to the south; plans will be submitted, srowlng detail as to how <br />surface water wi II be handled. <br /> <br />Marge Erickson spoke on behalf of the residants In the area of the pro- <br />posed TCCfi bui Idlng site, stating that 75% of the I-asldents oppose this <br />use of thu tand; prefer single-family rDBidences; faels these residents <br />hBve been denied their right to have singte-femily homes in the area, <br />which they still desire. <br /> <br />Cr"ichton3dvised that Council h3S approvad the issuance of a Special <br />Usa Permit, pmrmittlng the center, if TeCH meets the changes <br />required. Crichton noted that the site plan (dated 8-25-75) appears to <br />answer ,lh.3,t Gounc:i I aSKed TeCH to (io. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />P",tersen asked Counci i to nmove the restriction from the appr<:lval of <br />tho Special Use Permit; need Special Use Permit to secure funding for <br />project.. <br /> <br />Council noted thmt there is a long lIst of required documentation to be <br />submitted, prIor to issuance of a Special Us. Permit. Petersen advised <br />they are Hwarc of this, but wi It submit thase to Planning Commission <br />and Counc I when they make application for Bui iding Permit approval. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved that sincB thi amended site plan (dated <br />8-25-75) <lOd discussion at COl1nci I me'",-ring of ~ugus-r 25, 197:" seem to <br />have met The restriction Counci I placed on the Special Use P~rmlt approval, <br />Co~ncil authorizes Village Attorn.y ta prepare Special Usa P8rNlt; docu- <br />ments net ,et presented for a Special Use Permit arB to be prB5en~8d for <br />approval ~ith application far Bui Iding Permit. Motion was seconded by <br />Feyeraiser and carried unanimously. <br /> <br />PeTersen nlqUi.sted that he be kept abr8ast of park plan determinations <br />in this area; '.ldvlsed that they anticipate con,;truction of' the project <br />in 6 to 8 months. <br /> <br />fa'se NO.__15-33,.,.James Lemke - '\!;!Er~8a.te Slde_'L~;'d Variance <br />Wingert r6viBwad the Board of Appeals rBcomm.n~ation to approve the 4' <br />agprega'r<l sidflyard lfariancB, repor','ing no neighbor opposition. <br /> <br />Feyerelsen moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council approve the 4' aggre- <br />gate sldeyard variance, as requested, ~t 1876 Noble Road. <br /> <br />After discussion and review of the sketch prBs~nted. Crichton noted that <br />the house is apparently too large for the lot - cannot see that land <br />presents a hardship. Fayerelsen said the 75' ~id. lot evidently presents <br />'3 hardship. <br /> <br />Mr. Lemke said he was not aware of the 25' aggregate sldeyard requirement _ <br />thought 10' was more than sufflciant. <br /> <br />Wingert noted that a substantial house Is propcsed, which is an assat to <br />~he Vi IlagE!; !e,f 1 s narrow, but no ()bjec"rlons to th,. variance ~Iere milde <br />by adjacent nalghbors; this probably justifies the varianc.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Marge Eric~son, Chairman of Board of Appeals, reported that this lot has <br />bee~ sold ~nd ro-sold. probably because of Its width. Proposed house <br />VillI not iilterfen, \"lith living -fo;" adjacent houses (boj-h houses have <br />garages ne~t to this lot); house cannot be r.-oriented on the lot. <br /> <br />WOOdburn suggested that house should be designed to fit the I~t. <br /> <br />After discussion, motion carried IF8yeralsen, Wlngart, Crepeau voting In <br />-favor of "I;e motion; Crich,con and Woodburn voting in opposition). <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />i nvestment~: <br />---~!30,OOO for I year at 8% at First National Bank, St. Paul on <br />hl;guSi- 13, f975. <br />2. $150,000 for 60 days at 6 3/4% at Amerlcan National Bank on <br />Algusi" 25, 1975. <br /> <br />FeYE!re i sen moved, seconded by Woodbu rn. that CalJnc" rilT Ify thE! I nv (\ S T- <br />,.lO;~'~S ai re~ori'~d. Motion carr.e~ unantmousiy. <br />-5-- <br />