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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page five <br /> <br />March 17, 1975 <br /> <br />Bauer indicated that there would not be a need for a Joint Powers <br />Agreement - all school facilities, including the pools, are covered <br />by School District Pol icy 1330, which covers the municipalities' <br />use of the facilities, also. <br /> <br />Bauer,explained that the municipality hires the instructors, collects <br />the funds, uses the facility - no rent; liability is the same for ali <br />the coordinated programs. Community Education stili has control of <br />the faciiltles - permits must be obtained 48 hours prior to use of <br />facility. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton Indicated that an evaluation of the recre- <br />ation prqgrams has not been made by Arden Hills, and suggested that, <br />before another activity is added to the program, The evaluation of <br />the present programs be made - Parks and Recreation.Committee was <br />requested to evaluate the programs, nQtlng .total participation, per- <br />centage of Arden Hills' participation In each activity, total costs, <br />etc. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 75-15 - Archery Range <br />Mr. Ken Simons, Ramsey Count.y Open Space System,dlspiayed a map of <br />the proposed Marsden lake Archery Rang"a an.d'-ll.!!.!".k i ng a rea on 8.0 i acres <br />(Parcel Cl west af lexington Avenue, approxima~ly I' miles north of <br />Highway 96. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Feyereisen, that Council approve Resolu- <br />tion No. 75-15, RESOLUTiON APPROVING PLAN AND AUTHORIllNG RAMSEY COUNTY <br />TO IMPLEMENT INSTAllATION OF AN ARCHERY RANGE AT MARSDEN lAKE SITE. <br />Motion carried unanimousiy. <br /> <br />Case No. 74-17, McDonald's Corporation ~ Building Perml! <br />Mr. Thomas Sexton reported that. since the last Counc il meet I ng, he <br />contacted Mr. Kirkwold of the Ramsey County Highway Department, regard- <br />Ing the need for a semaphore at the intersection of Connei Iy Avenue , <br />and County Road E, advising that he had invited Attorney lynden to also' <br />atte.nd this meeting, but he did not attend because of prior commitments,'. <br />Sexton advised that he showed the McDonald's plans to Mr. Kirkwold, <br />and rei ayed the 'Counc ii's concerns rega rd I ng the tra ff I c vo I umes, tu rns <br />etc. In this area. <br /> <br />Sexton reported Klrkwold's reaction, after review of the plans, as <br />1.0 I I ow s : <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~. Traffic voiumes at present are not sufficient to warrant <br />study. <br />2. Even after McDonald's Is bui It, there would not be suffi- <br />cient traffic to warrant lights; <br />3. In his Judgement, under the warrant standards, a semaphore <br />installation would be possible, but not advisable; probably <br />25% of cost would be ~pprotione~ to municipai ity - affected <br />property ownera could be.assesseO for COSTS. ~exTon saio <br />that McDonald's would accepT this (Their s~arel. <br />4. Five hundred cars each hour for eight hours would be neces- <br />sary traffic v&lume to warrant a semaphore at this Inter- <br />section. <br /> <br />Sexton requested Council to re-conslder former motion, in view of <br />this report of Mr. KI~k~old's reaction to the semaphore request. <br />Sexton a I so adv I sed CNlr.e II that McOona I d's Corporat i on w III not accept <br />the condition In tho former motion restricting hours of operatl(Oro" He <br />said McDonald's has no plan to operate during those hours - Ilkel~- <br />hood Is quite remote that they would want to do so In the future, but <br />they would not ~~nt to be so restricted. <br /> <br />Wingert asked Mr. Sexton If he has a plan for alternate routing of <br />traffic in and out of the McDonald's proposed site. <br /> <br />Sexton said that, In dlscusl>lr.g thll tntfHc In this area with Klrkwold, <br />the alter'nate plan was not consld~red to be an Improvement, therefore, <br />a plan has not been developed. <br /> <br />-5- <br />