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<br />, . <br /> <br />.' , <br /> <br />MInutes of Regular Councl I MeetIng <br />Page fIve <br /> <br />September 9, 1974 <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN WILLIAM FEYEREISEN - Parks and Recreation. <br />Human RIghts <br /> <br />Ramsey County Open Space - Proposed Nature Tral I _ <br />Mr. Larry Holmberg, Ramsey County Open Space, descrIbed a proposed <br />nature trail, circlIng the low area west of Mounds View High School, <br />north of County Road E2, and distrIbuted copIes of a map IndIcating <br />the proposed 6' wIde pedestrian tral I on whlc~ no motorized vehIcles <br />wI II be permItted. <br /> <br />The CouncIl expressed concern re <br />Its use by snowmobIles, motor cycles, etc. <br />brIdges would be a deterrent and the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />He said two or three brIdges are proposed over the wet areas; the <br />tral I wi II not be hard surfaced, just mowed; they plan to clear areas <br />of ~olson Ivy. The portIon through school property wi II be under a <br />joInt powers agreement wIth Mounds View School DIstrict, anticipatIng <br />potentIal use of the tral I by the two schools (Mounds View HIgh-School <br />and ValentIne Elementary) and by the Ramsey County Library, for nature <br />and environmental programs. <br /> <br />After discussion, Wingert moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that a reso- <br />lution be prepared approving the concept of the proposed nature trail; <br />resolution to Include Installation of proper slgnage along the trail <br />that motorized vehicles are not permitted and that structural Impedi- <br />ments wi II be Installed on the brIdges. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Land Acquisition In Johanna East Area <br />Buckley stated that the Parks CommIttee recommends that a 10-acre park <br />area be obtained In the area north of County Road E, south of the 500 <br />Line tracks, between Highway 10 and Hamllne Avenue. He said Reverend <br />Peterson, Twin CIty ChristIan Homes, had proposed dedication of a <br />linear ~ark In this area (If they should proceed with theIr building <br />applicatIon In thIs area). <br /> <br />Buckley' said it may be possIble to obtaIn two or three acres, In addI- <br />tIon to the proposed linear park from ChrIstIan Homes, whIch are adjacent <br />to four lots owned by another party with whom Buckley has had prelIminary <br />contact re possIble sale for park purposes. <br /> <br />Land AcquisItion In Johanna West Area <br />Buckley reported he has talked with Mr. Samuelson, C. G. Rein Company, <br />re avaIlabilIty of up to 10 acres in the New Brighton Road portion of <br />the C. G. ReIn acreage, north of the church property. <br /> <br />Karth Lake Area Park AcquIsItion <br />CrIchton reported that he contacted Lund Realty re appraIsal costs of <br />the proposed Karth Lake park sIte. Lund Informed hIm that realtors <br />can make an estImate of land value, but not an appraIsal - appraIsals <br />are consIderably mor elaborate, The Councl I concurred that an estI- <br />mated land value Is what Is needed In order to begin negotIations. Matter <br />was referred to CrIchton. to obtain costs for Council consIderatIon at <br />the next Councl I meeting. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ingerson Park Access <br />Buckley reported that Mr. Moss has IndIcated he Is not Interested In <br />the land trade proposed. <br /> <br />Buckley reported that a neIghborhood meeting re Ingerson Park access <br />Is beIng planned; Council wIll be Informed of tIme. and place .of meeting. <br /> <br />Shade Tree Disease Control <br />Buckley refe~red the CouncIl to his memo re control of shade tree <br />dIsease and asked for Council reaction to hIs suggested ordinance amend- <br />ments. Counc! I requested Buckley to obtaIn copy of North St. Paul's <br />contract for tree removal, Matter was deferred to the next.Councl I <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Blacktopping Bids - Various Parks <br />After revIew of the two bids received, Feyerelsenmoved'1 seconded by <br />CrIchton, that the Counc! I award the bid to T. A. Schlfsky In the amount <br />of $1,626.00. Motion carried unanImously.' <br /> <br />-5.. <br />