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<br />,,," <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Coullcll Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />August 26, 1974. <br /> <br />for the various areas of the Village, were discussed, In an effort to <br />arrive at the consensus of the Councl t. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN STAN OlMEN - Finance <br /> <br />Resolution No. 74-26, Resolution Re Garage Sales <br />Olmen moved, seconded by Wingert, that the Council adopt Resolution <br />No. 74-26, RESOLUTION RELATING TO APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATIONS <br />FOR GARAGE SALES AT PRIVATE HOMES, as presented. Motion carried unani- <br />mously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN CHARLES CRICHTON - Public Works, Ordinance <br />Review <br /> <br />Nursery Hili - Uti llties and Street Plans <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that the Councl I authorize <br />advertisement for bids for Nursery Hili uti tlties and Road Construc- <br />tion, In accordance with plans and specifications submitted. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Truck BI ds <br />Crichton referred Councl I to a memo from Johansen, and after review of <br />the two bids received, Crichton moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that <br />the Council accept the General Motors Corporation bid In the amount of <br />$8,071.39. Motion carried (Crepeau, Wingert, Feyerelsen, Olmen voting <br />in favor of the motion; Crichton abstaining). <br /> <br />(It was noted that this expenditure Is to be paid from the 1975 Budget, <br />~hlch has not been approved to date.l <br /> <br />Repal r of 1I ft St~tl on No.8 <br />After review of Lund's letter of 8-14-74, and recommendations of the <br />PublIc Works Committee (Minutes of 8-14-74l, Crichton moved, seconded <br />by Wingert, that the Councl I approve alternates 62 and #4; amending. <br />the pump size from 1400 gpm to 1500 gpm. Motion carried unanimouSly. <br /> <br />Action re the stand-by generator was deferred pending recommendations <br />from the Public Works Committee. Project to be paid from Public Works <br />Reserve Fund. Recommendations re the lift station building were re- <br />quested from the Planning Commission. (Lund to determine building size <br />and height requirementsl. <br /> <br />Stave-Clatterbuck Permit to Excavate In Highway Right-of-way <br />After review of the permit application, Crichton moved, seconded by <br />WIngert, that the Councl I authorize execution of the permit by the <br />VLIJage, subject to approval of the Village Attorney. Motion carried <br />unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 74-27, Re State Purchasing A9r~~~enT <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Olmen, that the Council adopt Resolution <br />No. 74-27, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ARDEN HILLS TO ENTER INTO <br />A CO-OPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, as <br />presented. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bethel Master Meter <br />Crichton reviewed the status of the Bethel master meter proposal and <br />referred the Council to Bethel~s counter proposal. <br /> <br />After discussion, the matter was deferred, pending discussion of the <br />matter with Henderson re -further negotiations. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN WilLIAM FEYEREISEN - Parks and Recreation, Human <br />Rights <br /> <br />land Acquisition Recommendations <br />Feyereisen referred the Counel I to the Minutes of the Parks and Recrea- <br />tion Committee of 8-13-74, with attached five-year Anticipated Working <br />Budget for Park land Acquisition. <br /> <br />In dls~ussion of Area 4~ Karth lake, Anderson explained that, In order <br />to obtain the des1red park land, It Is deemed necessary that the park <br />land be purchased and a "cash donation" be requl red from area developers. <br />