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<br />. j)",. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Councl I Meeting <br />Page five <br /> <br />August 26, 1974 <br /> <br />Fencing and Bituminous Estimates - In erson Park Lexln ton Ave. Access <br />Feyerefsen referred the Counc I to Buckley's memo of 8-2 - 4 re path <br />construction, fencing and ",ree rerooval costs. <br /> <br />After discussion, the matter was referred to the Parks Committee for <br />recommendations 'n relation to other park access. <br /> <br />Survey Report R,. Oak WI It aud Dutch Elm <br />Feyerelsen referred the Courcl I to a report from Buckley (8-23'-74) re <br />Oak WI It and O~tch Elm Surv~y. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Vi Ilage regult,tions re both Oak Wi It and Dutch Elm were discussed. <br />Buckley reported that the State Department of Agriculture has shade <br />tree disease control rules and regulations which could be used by <br />Arden Hills, and offered tJ obtain copies for Council con~lderatlon. <br /> <br />Bu.ckley wa! requested to !.ubmlt recommendations for regulation of <br />Dutch Elm, for Councl I co.slderation, pending revised ordinance regu- <br />lating boJh Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt. <br /> <br />Part-time Maintenance Emlfoyees - Park Department <br />Feyerels"n referred "rhe Council to a memo from Buckley (8-23-74) re <br />Malntena.lce Staff for nmalnder of summer, fall and winter. <br /> <br />After ~scusslon, Feyeraison moved, seconded by Wingert, that the <br />Councli approve the purt-tlmeemploy~en~, at the discretion of the <br />Parks fJlrector, as pe:' meno of 8-23-74. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />!!e Plan - 1I111,!.9!.. Prol!erty <br />The nee for I and3caplng of V /I I age prope rty south of the Pub II c Works <br />ant Village Hall bullctlng~ was noted. The matter was referred to <br />BUI,Iey and the Park~ and Recreation Committee to review the la~dscape <br />pd.1S and to recommend sUfgested alterations to the Council, If plans <br />an deficient to screen erulpmen"l" etc. from housing to .the south. <br /> <br />Pr.posed Park ACQulsltlor. <br />R.Anderson repori.ed that a property owner In the Karth lake area has <br />elpressed Int"erest In sel Ing about 20 acres of property, and he asked <br />tlat Council auttorl;~e th Parks Committee to proceed with an appraisal <br />,f the proplJrty. Mr. Bu<:lfey stated that the party has no objection <br />;0 the Village olltalnl'lg In appraisal of the property. Buckley said <br />he has recolvej a cosl quotation from Gordon Elmquist and Associates <br />for the appraisal. Crichton offered to contact Gerald lund, Lund Realty, <br />for a comp.:!rl~ion appri.lsal cost, and to advise Buckley. <br /> <br />Pe rry Par~!,..!.!!!.~!,1. <br />Feyerelsen rDferr~d ita Councl I to a memo from Buckley, 8-23-74, re <br />the proposed relocatlcn of the Hockey rink at Perry Park. <br /> <br />After d~scu3slon of 1~~ Perry Park Plans and reasons for proposed <br />changes, B~ckley was r~~uested to submit a schematic plan for the <br />Park a~; 11 is now propos'd, for Council consideration. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Tennly;...9oLJrt and Blacktop "'t~ <br />Buckley ruported tnat bids :Qr the tennis court lighting at Mounds View <br />High ~chocl and formal quote, for the blacktopping of areas In the <br />varrous parks, should be rece,vad In time for Council consideration at <br />t~e first Councl I meeting In S&~tember. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, .JR. - General Government, Public <br />Safety <br /> <br />Letter of Commendation <br />Mayor Crepeau read a letter from She'iff Hedman commending Officer <br />laValle for his recen;! assist In the ,;'prehenslon of two suspected <br />burglars. <br /> <br />Off-sale Liquor license Request <br />Council action was deferred pending recei,~ oi ~ompleted application. <br /> <br />-5- <br />