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<br />.,.. "'- <br /> <br />Mrnu-tes of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />Page six <br /> <br />August 26, 1974 <br /> <br />Traffic Llr;ht - Lydia and Snelling <br />Crepeau rerorted that the State of Minnesota wI II be reimbursed by <br />Federal Fu~ds for 90% of the traffic light Installation costs at lydla <br />and Snelll~g; therefore, the costs to be paId by Rosevllle and Arden <br />Hills 15 es1"lmated at $4,240.00. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that the Councl I authorize pay- <br />ment to Rosevllle of Arden Hili's share of the cost, which Is estima- <br />ted at $548.00. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />(Payment to be paid from Public Safety AccaJnt #5320, CapItal Outlay, <br />Other Equipment.) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />II cense App rova I <br />After revIew of Ilst,of 1974 and 19/4-0 LlCen,.", "~~"yY'._' <br />CouncIl Approval, WIngert moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that the <br />CouncIl approve the retaIl sales license for 001,19'.' hop. and <br />!;vb,blsh h<1.ij.J'V.,)}C$!.nses as I sfe" ." Atlas' <br />Disposal ~~ e alt ns Motion <br />carried unanImously. <br /> <br />ResolutIon No. 74-28, RescindIng ResolutIon No. 74-28 <br />CrIchton moved, seconded by Olmen, that the CouncIl adopt Resolution <br />No. 74-28, RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION No. 74-23 AND APPORTIONING <br />ASSESSMENTS RELATING TO CONSOLIDATED WATER IMPROVEMENTS NUMBERED 67-1 <br />and 67-2, as presented. Motion carried unanImously. <br /> <br />Pay'"ill <br />Dlmen moved, seconded <br />Payroll as submitted. <br /> <br />by Feyerelsen, that the Council approve the <br />Moflon car~led unanImously. <br /> <br />Use of Village Hall <br />CouncIl concurred that out. . ;!"l!.g~~IJI be limited to <br />other governmental bodIes, I 5 ~ce Creek Water- <br />shed District on Wednesday evenings, after January I, 1975, as requested. <br />Request for use of hall by Tr'ans03r\dental MeditatIon group was denied. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br />The meeting adjourned at I :52 a.m. <br /> <br />~ f2Jl);./. <br /> <br />Charlotte McNlesn <br />Clerk AdminIstrator <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Notice of Meeting <br />The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, <br />1974, at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. <br /> <br />-6- <br />