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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL, OCTOBER 27. 1997 10 <br /> . ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS <br /> Mr. Fritsinger announced the membership for the Tony Schmidt Park Task Force is complete, <br /> and Ms, Walsh has asked tllat all COlmnents from Council in regard to the park be given to her, <br /> and she will forward them to the Task Force. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger reported on negotiations with the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department, and <br /> the possibility of a Joint Powers Agreement (JP A) with Shoreview and North Oaks. He advised <br /> he had informed the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department about the retrocession of the <br /> TCAAP property. Attorney Filla will draft the initial JP A, but there will probably be separate <br /> service agreements with each city due to the dillerent issues between the communities. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger gave a status report on the Gateway Business District project, stating he and Mr. <br /> Ringwald are to meet with Naegele representatives on site to discuss issues. The City and <br /> Naegele are close to agreement on the purchase agreement at this time. The railroad has begun <br /> discussions with the City regarding slope easements and the right of entry. Work is continuing <br /> on 14th Street, and a pre-construction meeting with Public Works Supervisor Stallord and the <br /> engineers is scheduled. He noted the contract does contain "outs" should things not move <br /> forward, <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS & COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORTS <br /> . Council member Malone brought up the subject of transportation expenses for meetings, and <br /> requested that the City Administrator be given the ability to adjust as necessary. It was decided <br /> that a formal motion would be necessary to accomplish this. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Aplikowski seconded a motion to give the City Administrator <br /> the ability to adjust rates of reimbursement for travel related expenses based on <br /> costs incurred. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> A discussion ensued regarding Lake Owasso rules regarding jet skis and erosion. Ramsey <br /> County desires unilormity on all lakes in the county. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski noted that Ray McGraw has resigned from the Newsletter <br /> Committee, and publicly thanked him for his service. <br /> Councilmember Keim noted that the lift station on Cleveland and County Road E-2 is being <br /> cleaned up and thanked Staff for taking care of this concern. <br /> Councilmember Keim provided an update on the Business Relations Committee activities. <br /> Mayor Probst thanked staff for providing Department Head Reports which have been very <br /> helpful for the Council. <br /> . Mayor Probst reported he received an invitation for the community based planning meetings and <br /> inquired regarding the agenda. Mr. Fritsinger stated the agenda is unknown at this time. <br />