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CC 12-14-1998
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 12-14-1998
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 14, 1998 10 <br /> Councilmember Larson stated that he had a lengthy discussion with Mr. Post about the sanitary <br />. sewer rates and understands that there is no way to meter sewage but it is known that rate is <br /> related to water use. He stated that it seems to him that it would be worthwhile to have the <br /> Finance Committee review this issue and provide recommendations for the Council to consider <br /> next year. Councilmember Larson stated that there is currently a flat rate and some residents <br /> may be subsidizing other residents. He acknowledged the issue where water use in the summer <br /> months may not be water going into the sanitary sewer system due to pools, lawn sprinkling, etc. <br /> and during the winter months residents may be away from home, including seniors. He <br /> suggested that water consumption over a nine month period be addressed to determine average <br /> consumption. Councilmember Larson suggested that all rates be addressed to bring them closer <br /> into what the consumption may actually be. <br /> Councilmember Keirn stated her concern if the decision is delayed since it should go into effect <br /> on January I, 1999, She stated that there is nothing that could be said to change her mind since <br /> the determination is based on costs and the recommendation on the senior rate increase is on a <br /> step basis with the full rate not occurring for three years. <br /> Mayor Probst stated that not all public agencies operate the same way and he knows some <br /> councils have to publish items on at least one agenda before the issue is acted on, He stated that <br /> Arden Hills does not do that and while he is not suggesting such a process, he believes there <br /> should be some notification to residents and an opportunity provided for them to provide <br /> comments. He stated that he does have an interest in a discussion on what the process should be <br />. to modifY such a significant policy. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski asked if it is being suggested to phase the senior rate increase in <br /> 2000 instead of 1999. <br /> Mayor Probst stated that rather than looking at the beginning of the first quarter it would start the <br /> beginning of the second quarter which would allow residents to be notified that the rates are <br /> being considered, <br /> Councilmember Malone asked if this is being suggested for all the rates or just the senior rate. <br /> He stated that in the past the Council determined to review rates each year to allow for smaller <br /> increases. He noted that delaying this to the second quarter results in the loss of 25% of the <br /> revenue increase, Councilmember Malone suggested that the rate increases be considered <br /> tonight and asked if anyone is expected to testifY in support of the senior rate increase. He noted <br /> that this involves one dollar per month and there is good rationale for this increase to base the <br /> rate on usage and eliminate the subsidy that is being paid. Councilmember Malone stated that <br /> the senior rate could be delayed but he wonders if anyone will change their mind based on input <br /> that could be provided. <br /> Mayor Probst stated that in the past the argument has been raised about the incentive to conserve <br /> when paying on a consumption basis as opposed to a fixed rate, He stated that he would not <br />. oppose relooking at this option since it has been four years and the City now has different billing <br /> software, <br /> ------ <br />
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