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<br /> -. <br /> , '.' 'l <br /> ~'l NUnS OF REGULAR COUNCIL ~'EET]NG <br /> V i I i age of Arden H I I Is <br /> Tuesday, Ceeember 27, 1977 - 7:30 p.m. <br /> Vi II age Ha! f <br /> Ca II to Order <br /> Pursuant to due ea Ii and notice the reof , IJayo!- Crepeau ca II ed the <br /> meet i ng to order at 1:35 p.m. <br /> 1'0 II Ca II <br /> Present - ~~ayor Henry J. CI-epeau, Jr. , Councilmen .James Wi ngert, <br /> Ward Hanson, Ct,arles Crichton, Robert Woodburn. <br /> Absent -. None. <br /> Also Present - Vi II aoe Treasu rer Dona I d Lamb, Planner Orlyn "II Ie r, <br /> . CI erk Administrator Charlotte IJcNlesh, Dep uty Clerk Dorothy <br /> Zehm. <br /> Approval of Mi nutes <br /> Win ge rt moved, seconded by Crichton, that Counei I approve the "'Inutes <br /> of the Regu I ar Council Meeting of Decembe r 12, 1911 and the Special <br /> Counci I ~'eetlng of December 19, 1911, as corrected, ~'otlon carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Business f rom the F l:lor <br /> None. <br /> REPOIH OF V I LLAGE ATfORNEY JAMES LYNDEN <br /> (Absent) <br /> Case No. 77-53 , Spe cia I Use Permit for Operation of Real Estate Office - <br /> Ca r I son Re a I ty , I nc. <br /> Counci I was referred tc Lynden's letter of 12/23/17, and attached <br /> dra ft of Speci a t Use Permi i' - Case No. 77-53. <br /> Wi ngert moved, seccnjed by Crichton, that Co u n c I I authorize execution <br /> of the Special Use Permit - Case No. 71-53 as presented. Mot I on <br /> carried unanimOUSly. <br /> Put>lic Officials Liali I ity lnsurance <br /> Coune! I was refe rred to Lynden's lett'}f of 12/23/71 re: I) E xt ens Ion <br /> of Ora k'3 insurance Co. Pub I Ie o 'f"f i cia I s Liability Pol Icy No. POLOI020, <br /> 2 ) Jndemn i lication of Public Officials. <br /> A f te r discussion, Cem c I ! auth:lrized Atto,-ney Lynden to prepare a <br /> "esolution i neorporeti ng provis1cr's far the i r, dei;in i '( r cat i on of <br /> munic, p,31 o -r t i ce rs , effect;ve Jef1uary I, 1917 and to include that <br /> a resolution governing each case ....i II be passE: d stating whether there <br /> is maifB8sance or neql igen.ce etc.; CI erk Administratcr ~eNiesh to <br /> COlltinuo to pursue bids for publ Ie officials I i at I Ii ty Insurance. <br /> Case No. 17-.57 .' _~!.Q&e s t~E.---f!:'QS5) d 1I r~-L8 l..9..:LjJ~,LU'_.s.!.l.s!..._!a r I an ce s for <br /> Ho!ne2j~_~?di nC~~~~~-=._!i.U~n Df!:t. <br /> Co un e I I was refArred to Lynden's I etts, of 12/231'77 re Case No, 11-57, <br /> \~ i ! I i a m I Day p et a' - Lot Sp I i'l and Vari ances for Homesteading <br /> L " <br /> Purposes. <br /> . In U f ~,cuss ion); Crich'ron exp r'eSS$<.1 conce rn re i"he !!e-l' the fact" <br /> cruation of two subsi'andard lots; suggested th cti- Counel I would have <br /> probably not pel-mittEld this if the request had been received prior <br /> to eer,s t rlJct I on of the duplex. IV i n ge rt noted that "!-he Declaration 0,1 <br /> Coven iq"l ts :> descri bed by Attorn,;y Lynden ~ wll! provide c01Trols which <br /> wi i ; prohibit the USE) of the sub--paree I s for construction of two <br /> s i:1g le-famll y dwellings; therefore ~ feels Ci 'J'y is p rotecte d. <br /> \~ i I I i em Day reporte d that his a~torney has not completed the Declaration, <br /> but expects to comp I E' te it within a day or t\:<.:,o; noted th at homes fe ad <br /> f I I i n9s deadl ine Is .; anuary 2nd, <br /> i'I i n ge r t moved, seco,Hled by Hanson; that Counci 1 approve the lot sp lit, <br /> Ca~e 77.,57, as pe r ;urv'3Y dated Novembe" 1977 , and tile resu I tant <br /> two let width an d "), sideyard set-back vari ances, contingent upon <br /> the CI ty /I,tTornoy's rev I e'fI and acceptance of the Declaration of <br /> Cevenants. Mot i on Gi'rried (IV i n go rt , Hanson, Woodburn. C,-epeau voting <br /> in favor of the mot1on; Crichton votl ng in op po sit i on) . <br /> -1- <br /> -~--'- ~--- -- _.~ <br /> --- <br /> --- -- <br />