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<br /> <r <br /> - <br /> , <br /> rv1tnutes O.I~ Peglllar~oufl,;i I ~~ee<~ i rig DI~cembar 27, :977 <br /> PaqE two <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE P:.MJNER ORL YN f'i LLER <br /> Case No. 77-20, Fin~1 Plat - Weaver Oak Hei!]hts <br /> ~li I I er reported th a.~ -drainage plan approva I and determination of park <br /> dedication regu I rem(~r,ts are pend! ng, prior to Councl I 's app rova I of the <br /> F i ria I Plat; suspects that the City Engineer may want an easemont to <br /> protect the drainag', way. <br /> Council consideration of park d'3d i cat i on and Fine I Plat approval were <br /> deferred pending the City EnglnBer's drainage study and his recom- <br /> mendations to Counci I. <br /> . Case No. 77-27, Lan<!~cape and Parkin!] Lot Liohting Plans, Building <br /> Elevations, Exterio,.Materlals - Mutual Servi ce 'Insurance Co. <br /> Mi Iler referred Counei i to his :-eport of 11/30/77 and to the Planning <br /> Commission "'Inutes of IVl3177 listing the contl ng~nci'9s upon which 'the <br /> Planning Commission reeom'1lends Counei I approval of plans presented <br /> and Issuance of the E:ui lding Permtt. <br /> Mr. Tom Lynch, Winsor/Farley Architects, explained that proposed <br /> slgnage will be presented fer approva I at a later meeting; request <br /> Councl I approval of (OCUm'3ntat i on presented in support of the Building <br /> Permit application, which includes exterior elevations of the <br /> structur'e, exterior bui Idi'1g materials, a site plan showing land- <br /> scaping, off s tree t par kin 9 , grades and access drives, exterior parking <br /> lot lighting, walks. <br /> Lynch re fer re d Coune i I to ~ rev I sed lighting plan ( 12/23/77) and to <br /> site plan modiflcaticns showing a re - a I I gn me n t 0 f the fire lane <br /> loop i ng around the pcnd, instead of a cul-de-sac, an d indicating a <br /> 12 ' wide sidewalk fife lane at the westerly side of the bui Iding, both <br /> of which are of 9-ton construction and meet Fire Chief Koch's approval <br /> (letter of 12/17/77! , Lynch also referred Co,jncl I to letter i'rom RI ce <br /> Creek Watershed DI 5.;-ri ct ( 12/23/77l ratifying Administrative epp rova I <br /> granted by letter 0" Novembe r I, 1977 . <br /> Lynch presented samples of the proposed exterior briCK, porce:ain <br /> enamel f:anels and win dO'i frames~ Sraig Johnson, I ands.:ape arch I tect, <br /> reviewec1 the landsCAPe plan explaining that mass planting of v sma I I <br /> variety of Hawthorn i s proposed along the entrance d r ! ve wh I ch \;1 I I <br /> gradually blend lott) tf1B sugar ma~les and Quaking Aspens; pln~,s will <br /> be of 3' ~ , and 7 ' heigh'fs; parking sreaswill be bOI'del'ed with 9 ree n <br /> , - <br /> ash; ta II grasses a!~t3 Pi"oposed on steep slopes for bank ,-eteni-i on anc! <br /> near pond edges; sor'l$ sumac, on south exposures, and n,d..twig[ied <br /> dogwood will a I so bE! used tor bank retention. <br /> 'Wi ngert noted that the pi 'lfl incicetes a high concentration of <br /> deciduous piantlngs: Quer'ed whether consideration has been given to <br /> large bui Iding and parki n9 lot exposure within the site durlns winter <br /> months; noted that ~oni.erous Is concentrated around periphery. <br /> Wingert queried whether species seiected are avallable_ Johnson said <br /> he does not foresee ar,y p rob lem in obtaining the specified plant <br /> material; noted 1'h at coniierous an, proposed Ilnere thE:Y wi I I be most <br /> et'i'ectlve, <br /> . . <br /> The parking lot lighting plan WBS '-evlel~ed. Lynch no1'ed that 20 ' <br /> high stan da rds, with flat lense high-pressure sodium fixtures, are <br /> proposed; I ights on perimeter of the lot wi II be d I rectee toward the <br /> let ~nd downward; spread of light "ill not exceed 60'. it was note d <br /> that the neal-est I i gh ts w; I I be about 400' from o-he dr'i vI ng lene on <br /> Highway 5 I; an a rea 0 f I I ght VI ill be vis I b Ie, but not hright. <br /> (simllal'to II ghts on C.P. i. site at HalT!ine and County Road F). It <br /> was noted that lights w II ! be circuited - only those needed fer <br /> security will be on a II night. <br /> Exterior building lig11'lng is not proposed, except for security I I gllts <br /> and possibly logo lighting (not determi ned). <br /> Wood:Jurn moved, seconded by Wingert, that Counei I approve the various <br /> plans submitted wIth Case t\o. 77-'2.7, including landscape and parking <br /> lot lighting plans (1:(/27/77) , and the exterior bui Idlng materials <br /> -2-. <br />