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<br />nun _ ,__ <br /> <br />. ... <br /> <br />fv1ioe-ros elf SpeCfa! Ccur;ci 1 ~J1ee':';nQ December IS.~ 1977 <br />Page- '-(,/10 <br /> <br />McCfJ: I! -- each one has "jor:: ed in Ar'den Hi!! 5 )~or many year"s; depart- <br />ment is our "pet"; iT'S a sfnall'3r depart!nent and the officers get <br />more involved in all depal'tments of police work. <br /> <br />fish - we take prid~ in the fsc.t we are able to take care of the <br />peopie il1 Arden Hills '- a'I Inward pride; o'r-f'cers have good rapport <br />with the business and resldenti~1 community; hate to lose this. <br /> <br />Little - just because a job PilY', more, does !lot mean you will "like" <br />it; likes Arden Hills McI w<ln'fs to sta;1 hel"e <br /> <br />Picha saId that the officers can anticipate The needs of the peopie <br />in Ardan Hills because th"y kno\', them; know ,;ome o'r the people's <br />. medicnl needs; know sderels and street systel1 so can make immediate <br />response. <br /> <br />Wingert Bsked if the offi~ers anticipate any changes in their duties <br />if the Ci ty contrac'rs' wit! RamsBY County? <br /> <br />Fish said they wi I I lose H:lnority; there'core wi II be placed at the <br />bottom of the lIst for as:ignrnents; prefers, and has been enjoying, <br />'rhe day shift; will probally ,Io,;e this and m"y have to change from <br />patrol to some other duty to continue working days. <br /> <br />Piche said the men wi II '11 'Ie to learn i"'1,. County, ar'c other County <br />officers will have '~o lealn Ardun Hills; .Jelll probably have "ilew <br />blood" in Arden Hills. <br /> <br />~:oodbu,"n said the County tas 3aid that if 'rhe I\rden Hi lis offI:::ers <br />des ire Arden H II I s duty, '. hey wi I I bi> a::col11ocja'red - 4 out of 7 have <br />asked "(0 not remain on Jl,r~en Hi' Is patrol. Fis~ s<lic, in his '.;aS8, <br />it is because he would have to take B different shift, not because <br />he prefers to work elsewhEre. <br /> <br />Colestock referred Counci I to a recent ne~spEper article re contracting <br />for police services; said it di:;'rurbs him ttl1t i'hel"s seems to be <br />some indication i'hat the (ounty may no)' "tlanl,et contract" all the men. <br /> <br />~1ayor Crepeau reported th,t Civi f Service has ciea,-ed al! i'h'3 i\rden <br />I'Hlls officers; County ha~ ve,i'iied ";"h,;j" It i5 providing police <br />services to contracting vlllaq<~~. <br /> <br />Ficha said It <lppears tha'i th(; County I~; "'Iaying tile g,"ound 'IO;"!~" 1'0 ""\~" <br />rais~ i"he costs to the cortracting comm~Jpitias.. <br /> <br />,! Woodburn lIot.ilI th.t the lett.,. .ey "ev. hell.... ,.,.......,. value : <br />. earlier; ..... e little lete to ,.eve,... .ctlon .t thl. tl... Crepeau i <br />. . - I <br />agreed; stl II feels that the contract services will be best fo,. the <br />men and best for Arden Hills. Wingert said had he been present when ~' <br />vote was taken to contract with Ramsey County he would have been on the \ <br />negative side - but didn't feel he'd be allowed to reconsider now be- '0 <br />cause of his absence In the earlier discussion. Hanson thanked the offt- ,: <br />cers for the letter; agreed with Woodburn's statement. Crepeau said he f\ <br />, realizes the change will require adjustments, but feels the officers llJi! <br />~' and Arden Hills will benefit. ~ <br /> <br />. ' Co I (I :,h,cl;, 511ml;,3 r i zed ":';-"'] 1 ma 1 nta I n 'nt our, own poll.;e depart..tlt I. Ill" <br />the nest Ini-araS"f OY Toe Vlil,clga; :laVG 'j'jleo "10 loct, i.or.'ttl~ <br />underlying issues and have found nothing which cannot b. remodied with <br />a coop~I-~D'~ive effort; disS3pointad rH: ci:;nnO"f find 30m:; comlY;on <br />ground - feels it Is never too lata to change our minds Qr ta admit <br />mistake-s; officers would like to rt~tcln -J-he l\r'den Hills cepal~i"ment- <br />not mllln1'iji" the status qu.,; ~ome impl'r.>'/omeni's are pl""bably called <br />tor "~ cffjc~)rs ara probeb!'1 more aHcH'H cd' i"hi s th'an the t'sst of us; <br />offfce;s are wi II in~J to ma'~e ihc cl1aI19')"; frOT '" cos',' standpcdnt, <br />does not <:"hink that the COJn'ry can prc>\!i<j-J th3 pol iCG prcteci'Icp 1"16 <br />Clty.wants for any less. th~n i-he C ty can; fe~ls that in 2 to 3 YBsrs <br />the Ci "tV ld II ~;ee the re-s!:i4"ab l i shl:1eni~ of :i;1 ,;rden H r ; I s depl;;~rtment <br />and th(~se mell .!lI! 1101" Then be a pdrt of Ii"; 1re"er,t f)ff!cllr~, ere <br />wi Ii 1ng 'i'o -c~o fils job for 'i'"he Cl "rV and wa:1!- Cl e{--j.j rrilutive action <br />'h-oITi tile Courci. I to show Y:H.I ~ha'f ":hey Cr..Ll dc~ <br /> <br /> <br />-,i. " <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- ._--~ <br />