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<br /> . 9- <br /> < <br /> Minutes o'? Speci,~! Ccunci 1 rJ.~)e"( in fJ DeCel\ICJ6 I- 19t 197~' <br /> Pa!je: ~~'hreE~ <br /> Pi .::ha as kEld If ltdown the l~oadH "i 11 I -e di -f'j'-{:;r.'::o1- Counci i say -'(hat this <br /> "~ounc i , made a -iT: j :; -r a ke? '~~rnpec:~u said that times eh an ge and Co u n c I I s <br /> change; fIve di fferant CouncIlmen tl1 ink d i He rerd I y ,; fee is at this <br /> time a County ciJntract I s the ,:r:ay to go. 1,'-!OO d b iJ rn 5'_1 j d hl3 doesn't <br /> th i ok a "roi stake" h:3s bee" demonstrated at this po i n "i'; i -f Ccunty <br /> serv I ce i Sri' t si>tisfc,ctor:' 60 d he is mem;)e r :) f the Counci I he'd <br /> support re-estabiishment af C i <;-1 Po Ii ca Depa:""tment" " <br /> AfTe-r ash crt r€ ces 5 Counci i considered '.l lOr )posed ar,en de d '_greemen t <br /> fa r law Enforcemen-;- Services bett\teen t1B COU-lty of Ramsey ard the <br /> City of Ill-den Hi lis, ., i -;-11 Cl'rtached E. xh i bits " an dB. <br /> In reI/law: concern was aX;lressed ,-e appropri9te \!Iord'ng of paragraph <br />. 6. ( p'lge :Sl. to assure Ciiy e1- return of equivalent oquipment, in <br /> caSE, of termi nation (If tl1,) ccn'rract. jI,f1er discussioog the last <br /> sentence of paragraph 6 vns r6'\'!orcled as foil "ws: <br /> "in this event, the Jr'opal-ty listed in the he rein attached <br /> E xh i bit "Sf, , 0'- Its functional or gener;:31 equivalent, sha I I <br /> be returned to the M'lniclpal ity. " . I~st sentence on page 2, <br /> . <br /> para!Jrap h I was cl1 ar"JB d -j-o " . . . (J of P ,3 raf' ~ap h 12 l1e,-eof. 91: . <br /> , <br /> ExhibiT B W.3S rev j e\\":iG and aDen de" t:> Include only those items <br /> .;~ha';' go w (t;') th~, 2 C:1rs 01- the mer; ; :;ur') I us is ore be reta I ned <br /> hy --he Ci ty. City a'rtorney -j-o e d v j s(~ rl legality of turning <br /> ;::;vel~ Federa 1 an d/ 0 r :;t'ate f un de d e qui P Hh"; n 1- . <br /> Cri chton referl-e,(j Counci I to a I j st of 12 c(.nce:-ns ,.hieh he does <br /> :"lot feel the contract enc lmpassas, as wri ttei1. , n 'l; 6\"1 of these <br /> concerns, Crichton queriej whether the me ii 1# i I I acto;; I I Y get what <br /> the County has told the City; .fee; 5 the mi~r. '>Ji II be hurt because of <br /> IOS~i of ~;;'3n iori ty etc.; he! s that thepolic, service '~ill not b,s <br /> the same ':agl-eem9nt doesn't speci .~y same men 1 e'lu i p:-ocnt etc). <br /> '~an~;oi'l suggested tha~f 50rn) 1"11 i n gs must b.~ -j"a>:.en at face va l LH3; <br /> lnust haVE> fa i 1-h tha-t depa:'tmen-j- I; ill be d ::Imj i1 i ste:"ed faithfully; <br /> t i i;; i son i'Q Ramsey County ;ho\; I d be., a\,}are l)f Counci~l:; concerns <br /> and relay the emphasIs de~i ired by the Cou,ici I . <br /> Woodburn moved, secondeu hy Hanson~ that ::ou:lci! adopt Resolution <br /> No. 77-7H, aui-hori z i I\g ~1a'lor an d Clerk Admi n! strator to e xeeute the <br /> Ag ;""E>effleni" for La',,, Enforce'-:lent S:~ 1"\.1 i C33; "~I i j'h at-i-ach\~)d Exhibits ll'l d . <br /> incorporating the amGndme;jts riii':Jde ten i gh-j-. iv:otlon carried (\l!oQ,lburn, <br /> Han~,oj) .. H J 11 ge r.t ;- Cr-epea;J ..Iot in 8 in "f ~;'-iCI- i.)f I'he moti(Fl ; Cr- i chton <br /> voting in cppos 1 t 1<:,,-,) . <br /> (C.i chtor, noted that he Q')posed the mot i ':J'; p , i roa r i I'i because: the <br /> prov i $i ons reguardi i1f; the o.ffic.31~5 are W)t 5;JGc1-fica'ty stated I " <br /> -th.. AgreEJ,nen-t) . <br /> GrQ~D Health Plan <br /> -------...--.----,.---- <br /> :otHci 1 't.las rei'erred to Bl':mQ 't!-om ~1cNiesh ( IU i :;;-77 ) "~ Gr-ol'p <br /> '" <br /> HealtCi P j .3n . <br /> Cr i c:h T')n moved, ',esc-n d,ld by Hanson p- thr.:t Cou:lci! authorize the <br /> incf'ease in major m{~ci ~ CfJ 1 i~J P f~'?v1 de $250~OO:) cover.::lge as required <br /> :'y tho Mi nnfJso-ra!ve. ~rsuranca .1,ct of 197;:l. p..iotion <br /> ca~'r'i13d unan i (nOLi:; tV. <br />. Pavro!1 <br /> V:CN!8Sh r:3quasted Counci I appro'iai of CI ,3 i m for FIna' Payment to <br /> "O,"E-t; nn i in Eldd i ti ":)\1 t-Ol "he Pf.lln::;ll. <br /> 'ii ngel-1' ~lo'led, SGccnded b,' Cric!1i"on, that CCJfici ! zpprovs the P<lY ro I! <br /> .3S sub IT) i 1--f6 d , an ,j C I a i ITi -;',;,r ri,o'-~R;-i nn i in -ih-:: amount of $ 1 v 8;.7. 9~; . <br /> :1.06r i on Co I'd ed unan! mou51~'. <br /> NOI-th'--1est ';!atsr Fe a ~l.Ql_Li~:L..E.~,EP i--i- <br /> ill1cf\lT35'h '::;lporte d 1-11'0,-[ F; s,;a \ CO'lS,lI tsnt w! II nO";- 1:>0 "'1all<!olo fo:- <br /> -~I1f) prsvious!V S '::IH;::.! u ! e d )ublic HE,~rrng 011 ,j ;'jrJ Ud c~;'. .'~,O th . <br /> Wi n~~ert movedp SlJCO~ ,'ed b'/ \100(') lJ '-0, the'j- Co:.!nci ! re!-:cind its <br /> !If'c-;\' i nus :1071 ''Jfi of Decomb",r 12t-, " schedul1f1g th8 Pub! ic Hearing on the <br /> r~c ~,.t lItl ~ S 1- \'I.::d"6 r ,=e,,:; I bi ! 1[-" Re,p'Jrt. MotIon ;a I":-j ed lH,an i mous! y ~ <br /> -~l- <br /> - --- ----~-- ------ <br />