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<br /> , .. <br /> MINuTES OF REGU; i\R COUNCIL Mi:Ei I NC <br /> Vi j ! ene of Arden }~ j ! is <br /> r~lGi1 day j} De ce mbe r- i 2 ~ 1977 - '/; ~O p. m. <br /> VI II age Ha II <br /> Ca II to Orde r <br /> PU1Asuani" to clue CElli afld n etJ .:', tharecf.. Ac1ing Mayor Crichton <br /> cal led the meeting to orcel- d'l" 7;30 p. m. <br /> Roll Ca II " <br /> Present - Acting Payor Charles Crl chtcn, Co l n c I I me n Robert Voodburn, <br /> Ward Hanson, J ames \~ i nge rL <br /> Abs!3nt - Mayor Henf~,/ J . Crepe=u~ J 1- . <br /> Also Present - Attorney James Lynden, [ng! neer Donald Chrl s'ro'ffersen, <br /> Planner Orlyn Mi i ler, T re as u re r Dct)cld Lam?i/ Cieri, <br /> . Administrator Charlotte ~'kN i Ash J' Deputy CIJrk Dorothy Zehm. <br /> ~rova' of Minutes <br /> Wingert :rlO\l$ d $ seconded by Hanson~ _ that the ~1inutes of the Hegu I ar <br /> Council '~eet I ng of November ;:8,. 1977 bEl approved as amended. Mction <br /> carrl ed unan i mous I y . <br /> Business from the Floor <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF \Ill LAGE ATTORNEY JI\MES L YN DE,J <br /> Mi n~~o lis H i d~..2.ncL}aJJ..~,-=:..-8~_1 I d i n9 Permi'( <br /> Lyndenreferred Council to his letter of --'i'2 / 1"9 / -, 7 an d revieHed a <br /> me e -r i n 9 \11 i t h At to rney Tu I I Y on Decernbe r 6th ~ <br /> Mr. Tu II'.! stated tha-:- they 81'0 ra~uctant to pursue -j-'Ie taxt\Ja i <br /> amendment "pp '"oach suggested; fee Is ' . . Dffice u-;e 0 f the property, <br /> In a"f an <br /> as ZOil0 d 1 is app rop rl ate; a rEi not proposing to add a non-conforming <br /> use .: considers the r. ropose d <,ddition to be approprl a fe. <br /> Mr. T I.J I I v € xp I a I n e d that M'nreapo!is H I de an d Ts I low i s a Division of <br /> Conse rye I ndustri as:; i nc. .' ,,,hum h.-; r-epresen'r::,. Tu i 1'; described the <br /> proposed office s t ruc"j"u I-a a~ 6 I :;tOt~y slab :)u! idlng, with <;pp ,-ox I mah, <br /> di mans ions of 38' X )8 i; ;id Ii con-rain =~, a }<e cut i \'8 o'f'rice9~ c 9snereJ <br /> off i c" , con fe rer. ce room an d te-~h room; all cJmpatibio with a general <br /> of'l f Cd bui Idlng; C.JU I d lease the bui ;dtng to othe rs for o-ff1::e sp ec.o; <br /> cannol SO~-3 whV i' i f ConSel~VG l;ldlls.~ries Of~:JC3 i:-: t,h~;~6t thai "th is is <br /> tJlly' c: i H" re n l' ; plan-r 1s on -:r....._ adjacent 1""" but ~:O;'iG of the piant <br /> '.I', ," )1 <br /> bu i I (j n g~~ ovel~!C1'~ on;-o -:"he j (, -1. on ~eih i cn f:-:-8 .., f.r. i ce i :~ lOCi~tE1G; are <br /> offE;r'ng ar' ot. f ice fc,c 1 ,j '-I-'y - n :;1"1-1', l J"'! (i fl'IQ r<3 . <br /> Wingert said he has no pro b Is m wi.,. h the offl:e use a:.i meei-i Fg -rh'3 <br /> Zoning ~equireme~ts; techn i ca ; j ty is In Ii n k i "g th e () f "f i ce cind pi an-;-; <br /> cu~'rant off ice will beCOn18 a p a r"t (') f iheoffice structure; (! i .f f i eel It <br /> 1';) (.1 i 58S$OC i ate the two; "ppears ';-hat th,) 0." f ice add'tion i s an <br /> ,.:3:Xj)c.;I1S j on of -;he no.)-'conrolini f]~:-i "<:.0 <br /> ,.~ -~..'" * <br /> 00)11 Robe r'g ssid thqir preS3r!t 0f.~ice b u i I ,j i n '1 '" c' II I d be used .for <br /> ,) f"f i CH storage cfter oHic3 ad c: i -~- i on i s .::c.n si- ill ete d * <br /> T'J i I Y as ke d i 'f It "ou I d wake an '{ cli fferGllCe . r. :,,!"he Pl'oposed off I:e <br /> , <br /> . '".{~ \-e iocc!ted on the next lo1-,. n o-;~ an add ~ .r i 0 1 to thE G:d s tin 9 of flee <br /> iJ:j; I d i', g, and f""ther rGrno\i~~d "i- roonl the p :iini" . <br /> Cric.hton noted ths'c l' here ore epparentl y 'rwo a 1 j-el-na1's ways -'ro <br /> :-esclve the ncn-con-?ormi og llse problem~ <br /> a} Find that a renderi ng p! ant I s in COdcert \'Jii"h l,-I zon! ng~ or <br /> b) r-~e zone the parcels 1"0 Hnavy In <ius"'! lAY an {; charge ordinance to <br /> permit this zone. <br /> -:'ully noted that the plant was ':-he re and p to I e r I y zor:ed In Ne\rJ <br /> Bt"j gh -;' :,)0; a rea ~HlS annexed bll ;d~den H I I I" an (: l-e-zone d to L-I, <br /> , <br /> fJ i \' in r, ita non-..cot"! formi ng S "latus; noted tha-.. a great dea! of :110n8\/ <br /> has L"!'\$n put into pollution C) n ~- ro i imp rcverflf.. nts . <br /> Vi H on ~jon explained that City rc>"zoned He a !'(!(J Tn th.3 nearest zone; <br /> ., <br /> ~,€,rrfli ti"ed by ol-dinaflce in f\r.dHl Hi! Is ('_0.1 i_ :i"f-r.3r ar(~,""'J HaS onne:,ed; <br /> -I -. <br />