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<br /> , ... <br /> Minut'8s c f Re~~ul:3r (>~unc; i f-leei" j n 9 Dec3mber 12, 1977 <br /> Pape '(1010 <br /> vlhen City Zoning Ordinance 'i,J3S :)stabllshnd~ '~he Planning Commission <br /> did not want heavy i ndust,'!, in the City; note, d -j-h a t it tn" time of <br /> annexcti en ~ it appea"red that -rri 13 ren de r in g OlJ:3iness 'A'as deteriorating; <br /> consequently, the L-! Zone .,'ou I j not p.lace a b II r den en the Hide and <br /> -fa 110" Ccmp;;;ny. Hanson said he would be morn comfol-','ab I a if c' <br /> :~H~zol'iing 'llere applied fo r ~ or ,3n ordinance ';-;3xtua I (hange as <br /> S u 9 be s te C I to include the plant as a permi -,tod use \,i th a Special <br /> Use Permi t in ths L,-I Zeno. <br /> Cr-! chton expl,3ined that ou:' Ol~d ~ nance prohibits us f room "II owi n9 <br /> . expansion of a non-confor~nirg l:;;e; so, 'f rOfil his stanNIOi!lt, un I-ess <br /> i .~ Is l-e-zC'lned ~ he can't agree ,t I th en;al~g!nq the USE; =' by having <br /> addition,,'! buildings, or en I argeci bui Idlngs 0\1 the seJme p rope rty. <br /> . Attorn'dY L y n de n explained hlo ways to accomp: ish the Pl-oposed <br /> construction: <br /> I. Deletion ot t.he exomp In in the deflf!i'rion of- Heavy Industry <br /> j,h i ch Is a reference to rendering p!ants etc. 8n d thus it <br /> ".'ould no ! on ge I be a prohibited use,then adding ii- to the <br /> I I sf of Sr,ec i a I Uses in L'" ! d i s.:~r i ,ci":3. They would then <br /> apply for a Special Uso Permit, <br /> 2 . l\r1other approach ',~ou I cl be to; : De., I etE' the re fe re n ce to <br /> rendering plants in the list of Heavy Industry "md add it <br /> -(0 the definition of; lH1r: ufacturi ng I s a <br /> p(:;rmi tted use : n i.. -. i d:si'ri(;i's;~, "l-h I ~'. P f'ocedure ob'/iatas <br /> the Speci a I Use r'ermi t., <br /> Counci I concurred that a Speciai Use Perni t \I-OU i d be needed; <br /> rclrdering plant ~ould, i 'f ell ,:.h1 go In o rei i r;anc~ 1s approvs,j, be <br /> I nc I !Jd"d j n Special Use Pe rmi 'I' : 1st in I.-I . <br /> Attorney Tu I Iv sale: he woulo Ii I,e an ans\,\'er -;'0 the Bui Iding Permit <br /> "pp II cat'l on. <br /> \fl1ngerr mov,,,d to deny the op p I i Cll t; on of Con~Bt.v.e lndiJs"t:r-ies" Inc. . <br /> Ce:se 77-48, tor Elu; Icing Permi-r becaUS0 1 1- represents expansion of <br /> " business '~h i ch i ~, non-conforming under Ordinance 99. ,",oj'i on was <br /> seco:lded .by Hansoil .;~,f1 d carr~i ed l:n~ll i mous Iy. <br /> ~lngBrt explained ,( he reasons wrY -,-h is is cor: sid ere d an e>~paj1S r on <br /> (if ~ non-co'lformirl9 U38 as +01 I (;';,is: <br /> ! , Thr3 j-e I::'; C, common let ".,,[)ich Is cc;;uf.'ed by the rend3ring <br /> pi .")n-j- (non-conformin!J) and the cffice ex~ansion p rO)CSt3'c:, <br /> an ,j <br /> 2. H.", of Iocr Sp.3Ct:: for ';~h,= rendBr'; ng p I ~,~nt i "fSe I 'r is expanded <br /> f rom the v&:::a"ti Or) cd "j-h:: ,:) I d 0 f 'I: i c,:! L ::;';8 $ , "", its moving -Co a <br /> , " <br /> ,1$" bui Iding, a prys:ctl expansion c -;- the floor spa-ce <br /> de vote d to the \10r.~-con formi rig use. <br /> Wco<JJun1 3aid he ,"ould (.;dd that it Is apprl~pl-j ate: y n~n-conforrniiig <br /> s i nC,3 d has !:Ire G-C potential i~i!Jisance va I 'JC ~ <br /> f~.~~ ~ N S~.!....~..LI:~2 3_S___~:E.~.~1~L.J!se -7E.~~ ~if i t fc.i=-J?.$~i.J~J.g_.. ~~.~ q~L~~--=-.Qf!Y. <br /> Lynd"n ref-erre', Counc, I -to arn,"r of Specr a, Use 1-'8PnI T - CiOS<O No. 77A~23. <br /> . 1100dburn Jic.'-"ec, S0 cor,: de d by Win ge r-r- ; that Counc. i j a[J P t-OVE, thfJ Speci a 1 <br /> Use P'er~mi'~ -- Case No. n -2 3, ~iS submii.ted. foiic.tion carried unar, I mous Iy. <br /> ~~~~_N.:?.:.._}7 -~2.~c I a L Us~_J'E,rJQL( fo ~Q!!Q.L~2,-=-_T r 9..'~ <br /> Lyndon refer'red Counc! I 'ro drEif';- of Specia Use Pe,'m;-r - Cas() ~;o . 77""'4 I.. <br /> \~ingod m()ved~ secon de(j by Har'son, tha',' Councl I a p p rc 'ie Spec;,,1 Use <br /> Pa rm i t - Case No. 77,,41 , as Sl,bri"li i~teu. Mo','io", caril,s:! unaninousfy.. <br /> f~~~_ N~~ ~ "16-12,_ Amenged~?peci ':-L_U~G Permit - Jlue Fox Inn <br /> L,'{11 ::}GI1 re -':.0i-red Cz.-..unc i , to cl:-e f-> 0'[- Spec i 0 TUsePe r~nr':- No.. if'-12, <br /> noti F:g thnt the f,men de d Spec:i.i Use PE: t-fl1i I. reJ!aces; ,n i .1"$ <br /> ent i re'i'y, the Spscial Use Pe '-nd i- gran te d )y T'''CI /...,-.1-. February <br /> ,'.... '_.' I t Y on <br /> 25, 1974; 'oJ f th r0speci> to Case NJ. 73-49. <br /> -2-' <br />