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<br /> ~--- -- <br /> , ... <br /> MinuY3s of Regular Ccunei I QE8j'i ng Cacemb€ i" ;2, 197 "I <br /> Pa;:,' t h re e <br /> Hanson moved, se' con de d lJ'j ~Ioodburn, that Counci I ap p '-ove I'.m€'nded <br /> Sp'3clal Use Permit no. 76- 12, as submi 1'1',3('. ~lot i on carried <br /> un.':,irl i mous I y ~ <br /> Case No. 77-27. Mut ua I Se!:vi~~ Li fe Insurance Compan~ - ?ad~ <br /> Dedication Parcel <br /> Lyndenreferred Counc i I -i-o his letter of December 9, 1977 ar, d to the <br /> Survsy del ineating boundary I i fl6S of the p6rk dad i ca'f I on pa f'ce I; <br /> no tEl d that the par:(. dedi cati on will be c:>nveyed to the City by <br /> We rranJry deed. City Engi near l,'li Ii draft the legal dOSCI-i pti on <br /> fo r l' he road e asemen t f I'om the nOi-th bc-undary of the park dE,d i cat ion <br /> . to County Road E ita be con'JeYGd at the same ti me as the par-k <br /> dedi cation) . Counci! concu I'red that park dedic<ltion and road <br /> aaSElment t' 6S del ineated on the sUI'vey, aopear -fO be accurate. <br /> La,! Enforcement Se r vice 5 _Aq ree men t 1I'.!J.!!-Rarns~~lill.!:L <br /> LY:1den reviewed his !ette," of i2/12/77 a1d ni)'fed certain chcnges <br /> dhlch waUI,-' "pin down" specifics in t1-It;: IIg re.3 me n t and thereby make <br /> th," agreoment more explicit. <br /> Cour,ci I briefly discussed some of its specl flc conce~ns in its <br /> rev! e\i c' f,ttornay Lyndon's cornments re I at i v.3 to the proposed <br /> agreemen-r; deferred revi e\': of -rhe propos3d cc-ntr-act Inti I December <br /> 19th ,.,t \~h i ch tl me Council - , conside" additions 'r.) and deletions <br /> \"" I'; <br /> froll the contract document. 11- \"as suggasted that I' 5tS of <br /> concerns be p I-epared, prior to that meeting, to help exped i te the <br /> re v i ei1 .. <br /> 9,~E0_~ 77_-4(~1 aherty '5,_1I_~_do!:!_J'lo\<lI_,__LlS - Vacation Resollltlon <br /> Lynden referred Counci I to 11 i s letter of 12/12/77, all d at'rached <br /> dr,~rt of A Resolution \jacal'i~g Portions :>f Connelly !\venue, which <br /> he ,-ecommer. ded that Counci i CipprO'Je, s~bject to re ca ~ p t o-f c~n <br /> executed Road Easement. ( S?(~ P!anneris Repori' re Casl3 No. 77-46 _) <br /> REDORT OF V~LlAGE ENGINEER DCNALO CHR1STJFFEqSEN <br /> !:-1!.?So''-i!.L of__Stre'!'t,_and Ut i IiJ,LP I an s _".Esl.2J:!!.o:i_:U..s at 1.o1!.L.- Jc. n ~.t <br /> Estates <br /> Chri stof,,'et-sen reported -rho'f +'1e Street Cln d o t j I i ty P I an s and <br /> Specifications ara in ol~der; noted that ~)E!rformance -)011 d in the <br /> arnc)un-r 0" 5108,000 would be eppropriate. <br /> ,~ft" r d i ~J C l' S S 1 0 n ;" ',ko d burn !1c,vo<1 ; seconded by Winger-;", -ihat Counci I <br /> ap;Jl~cve -:-h€ Plans and Speci ficCltions, an d red uc'r i on :n Lette r of <br /> Cr.;s:<i i -r to ! 108,000 as recommer,ded by C~ristoffe~S0n~ ~lo-r' or' <br /> carr-I"d unenimously. <br /> Qf_Cl.jJ!..~~~_ an UL~~t~..r~ma in fi1 C l.L!_~J. ~S?-:-_ N QI,!.h \;'~ e st~E.~2_Q..I~~tJ2.!l_C?L __U-'-l.2..g~_ <br /> Chr'j sl()f{-01-sen r"spor1"ed axt0~5;ve p ro::':'~;s(~d d:3 '/0; O[.:ll13\lt ac.Jdvity in <br /> , , <br /> th(j n~rttlwe5t port1on of the \j \ i ! age;: r'd-quI ri ng e>:'h?l,lS i en 01' water <br /> main; ;-1 C':.S c' thai" trunk se~H3;- I; ne appGars acl:3:q 1.1 :'ltc; '-6 'fB rre d COline i : <br /> to y'a-rer feas i b i 1 i tv s i"u dV proparnd in 1;)72 ','h j en included t;t~S <br /> 3 r;:1ci, b lJOi" not included in the 1 f(Ipl~o\Jem~n1" or:,:,;; r,z d at that tl m8. <br /> . Cl"Jri s-roffersen r-ecommen de d tbo-;. the City pur;;ue the Hstermain <br /> '3xtfdl'3 ion for tha entire nor1'h\~est portion of i"~;e Vi 1 J age OCi'H1 ra'the r <br /> thi.H as (,aeh parce i of I and Is propose d for subdivis;on~ Christoffer~ien <br /> exp! a: ~lcd i [la-i- a storm drain~ge s';-ucy I s als0 essential east c "f <br /> -j i ';1 way 10; sho u I d be tied 're " f e as i b i I iiy ;tudy n.r- a waj-er supp 1'1 <br /> -' <br /> i1 this arE'S _ <br /> A HE r {I i s c U 5 S i on 1 ~ioodbunl mcved .;.hat Councl! adop -t l"!e50 I ut Ion No. <br /> 77':'1 ':iuthcrizing the Ci -i-y Eng: nee," '(0 prepa:~a -Ihe Fr,Cls i b i I I ty <br /> 5t'j(iy "foro ,;,ater i n the northwest port-ion c.t He Vi I I 'lpO. I~(_-r i on ~'/as <br /> 3,.':(';1d00 by Wi ng.rt an d carried unanimously_ <br /> ',~Q-c{burli mc,vad, seconded by Vi i r, ge ,-1-, "that Co ~.m c; ! schedule E; P'_it> lie <br /> 11;:1::; i'l n 9 (,)i'l Jsr,uE-r'l 30; 1978 ~t 7:30 p ~ 111. cd- "l'he Villnge Hail. on <br /> tlG l:f2-)'ret" rrai n 0xt'HlS iOIl t"as i b I I i 1''1 stujy. Motion ':aITi E,d unan i ';;0 us - y_ <br /> . <br /> ..3~ <br />