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<br /> , <br /> I\~i nutes O"r R1-j 9 u J e r Co un C i i ~h'3' j n 9 De(;emb'er 12; 1977 <br /> Pc,:!€.>- five <br /> In discussion, Anderson e xp I ~ i , e d the neeG for p I an approval; <br /> noted bowling business i 5 SeaS(illa! ; neCHSS 61-Y to ge t an early sp I" in g <br /> bid cward: will need .... + dE,ve lop plcl1s cHl d speci ficatio~)s~ <br /> , i me .0 <br /> C:ounci I noted that the propo,;e(i street \',i I! also take ti me to <br /> consi'ruct - can also p,-obably be ready for spring bid award; wi II <br /> need a pub II c improvement hearing; un!p,ss s1-l-eet is constructed, City <br /> is no""" interested in the snlarrement of FI ah'crty t 5; has to be a <br /> loop street with curb and separations. <br /> After discussion, ~'i 11 ge rt mO'fe (i that Counai I approve thEl Bui Iljing <br /> . Permi -r for Flaherty's f\ r de n i3o~ I based en Site plan 1\ I te rnate Plan <br /> C (11/30/77) i ncorporatl ng A I to, rnate Lot D (\2/9/77) and including <br /> streets on Alternate Plan C' app rov I ng thsrewi th a 4-car parking <br /> , <br /> variance for the project, a front set-back variance of 10 feet, <br /> e sideyard variance of f 5 feGt on the east side, and a 5 foot <br /> set-bac~ variance on the west side; subject 4'0: <br /> I. Satisfaction of the P <irk dedication requi rement. <br /> 2. Approval of landscape specifics by the City Planner (to <br /> be "tied In tl i th the Ccunty Read E boautification p! an) . <br /> 3. Amount of Landscape Bond to bfJ dete I-mi ned by Plannor. <br /> <\ . vl:-i tten appl-oval of grading and drc:~nage plan bv Rice <br /> , <br /> C'-eek \iatershed uis'rrict~ <br /> 5 . Exe,ciJtion of ROc"d Vace,t iQI1 i-~eso (!Jt! (~n Ho~ 77-74. <br /> 6 . GfJneral app ,.ova I by Ci t"l fI.ttcrney of a II lega I i ova t verneni"s. <br /> ~'ot i on ~'las seccnded by Woodburn and carried unan i ITtOusl y. <br /> Woo.jbu;-n moved, seconded by II i "g8 rt , thai- Ccc:nci i adopt Resolution <br /> No. 77-74. A RESO LUT i mJ VACATING PORTIONS OF CONNELLY AVENUE, subject <br /> to :-ecelpt of executed Road Easement from Flaherty's; autho,-12e <br /> execution by the City pending approval of lega I mechanios by the <br /> Ci ty Attorney and receipt of appropriate executed Documents. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Woodburn moved; seconded by Hinge rt, that Counci I adopt Resol ut i on <br /> No. 77-7:2 authorizing the City Engineer to p,epare a f e a 5 i b I I i tv <br /> study fo, i'he s-'rre,s";.s ~ dra i n.i;lgH and public tr;~ i , i -'J i es in -the Con.nelty <br /> Avenue areEI" subject to City Atto,ney's approvn\ uf the lega I <br /> mer..::han i c~). MO'fion cu rr i e d ur:~n i jllOUS I y. <br /> !i!!.r,.~.LL1LLJ_~LJ u !:.~-=.~,Q~.!lQ. <br /> Ch,; stoffer'sen ,-avie',Ieo the ~:tatt.l~J of -;he tu rn -aroun d on. Nur'se ry <br /> "', I LanH; no"red theh~ con':'r3ctol~ has; be:en irlstruci"ed to place <br /> r-rll! <br /> grc;vel aT the east end o'f Hursoey Hi I! Lane to provide a tempcr"ary <br /> 1'ul-n-tToUn( area ~'ihich was d€s.~t-oyed due 1'0 ~~:onstruction of Kar',h <br /> Lake ,- .l ' ~)treets ;:;r!d ut i i i .;- i es; r0 porte d t,..-,. C r 'ry wi; I plow <br /> i:-S (d-res ,Q, <br /> the TU rn~"a ,'ound aHer the 9 rE!ve , has beeil pi:iC8d; \II f! I 00';-- bc;) paveC: <br /> unt i I the street i-s paved ,: ffi€Y have a period in 'fhe spri nn when the <br /> turn..:.arounc wi Ii again be tll1- usab Ie. <br /> Mr. A,-thur Eri ckson said he i 5 representirg -the res i dents on Nursery <br /> 11 i ! :.8:1::!; wer'e not ,,~\.Ila ['{-; i'h(;\ "i' u rn nero un j 1'10.' I d be c :csed.~ contr-a:::'tor;j <br /> . are i1C'J{ -i'urning around in privaTe dri vew:3Ys (including po,ice, <br /> dellvory and snO',4 p I otiS) , now have eaei"h fliOV': rs on the s t t~eE.-j- - <br /> an ini:on\'enie~ce to the res i dents; i 'f' s-rr!.:let needs up-grading later, <br /> ','1 ho W 1 i I be 8r;se-ssed? <br /> :!,-is~o1fersen' said tha'; gravel CDil be .r)laced afi-ee \'lednasdLY wf,8n <br /> "t,';'E r hook--up i s con~p!e1'ed; eclvisec.i wa-ta.:- on Nu;s6ry Hi! I Lane \OJ ill <br /> )(~ .Ct f 1~ Tt'OIf 8: 30 a.m.. to about loon; no "h3 d tilet the 5 "tr'sei' was <br /> ':;Ol1st,ucted at 7-to'1 capacity Ii" i ch i s a de q ti ~ te fer occasional <br /> ":;;em i ~l tr.affic~ Ch ri stO"(f;)IA:s.en said he r d contact i"he contrac'~ors and <br /> 3sh tflat Nley reduc'<z: the if' use I) f the st~-eet~ U01'cci this is difficuli' <br /> "rC) con t rei I ; loll II be face d ',; i th leavy equ: plTIeni' use "nt i I road is <br /> <;onst!'uc;ted; should not tllrn a t"'<)und in pc'iva""~e dri '.'e\'..'ays; a r r:;ln 9("Hfl(~n t~." <br /> ,;;:i:;,n be p roo\' I d~d for truck ,3:nrj bJ~. i"u rr. ai-cut! j at the east "nd of <br /> I'Ju I""5'3:Y 1- ill Lane. <br /> -5- <br />