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<br /> . . <br /> f,~ 1 n u -j- B 5 cf Re 9 1; 1 a r COline i ! ~\~3e1"'ng Dec",mber 12, 1977 <br /> 1)8(18 ~ i){ <br /> -, <br /> tGcul1ci I requested -rhat thH pol c:e departffi~H1'!- ched. this area to <br /> fll"eVent slmi lar occurances in the futun!. ) <br /> REPCRT OF VILLAGE PLANNER ORLYN ~l1LLER <br /> Ci~:,L!.:'O' _2..7-~1.......Lo-::.2lUJ~n d_'y'!l r i ance 5 for Homeste!!G Purposes - <br /> lL!.JJl.i'_m [_'21:, <br /> f4i I Ie r re'l-erred Counci I .j'o the app Ii ca-r!<>n fl-om VI I I I I am snd jean <br /> Day requesting a 10'f sp I It, and re sui tin 9 side-yard varisnces for <br /> '!"hE! purpose of homestsading Dot!, sides O'i: -;:~hu dup I ex undar constructien <br /> at 4248 - 4250 North Ha~llne. <br /> . Hi I ler explained that the reque,;t I s more of a lega I than a planning <br /> pl"oblem; noted that the City's con ce rn is the two resu I tant narrow <br /> 10tSJ' I f the structure shoiJld be destroyed by fire or other hazard - <br /> 'rhe two platted lOTS would be buildable as sepal'ate bui Iding sites. <br /> f41 II er I'eferred Counci I to the Hoard 0'1- Appe'.1l s and Planning <br /> COMmissicn recommendat ions,; n-otf~d that !\j-ton!O"y lynden suggests that <br /> the homesteading might be acc:)"",p I I shed by le~pl means, possibly <br /> recording ~ survey carrying cavonants, f"ather' than iJ lot spilt, <br /> ilssurlng that a sing Ie structure will again t;.\;3 constructed on the <br /> sl tet if the p resen~. str'uctur~ 1S destroyed; '1opefully ti16 lega I <br /> p I"(lcedure anticipated wi II not 'nvolve the CO'Jnci I . <br /> Councl I requested Tl,at the CIty jl,ttorney eonv.3Y the p.-o ce c! u r'3 for <br /> 11 !ternat I ves to splitting the lot, to Plcnne," Mi Iler and DCJYs; <br /> COLlncl I w I II defel- ?lction ur:t i I th'3 OeC(Hllbe r ::~ 7t-h me e tin g. <br /> !~!f'L.!:'.2.:..._ 7 7 - 5 3 , Special Use _,f.~!' it, f 0 !::- _t1.?~~..r.j c c " pat J..2.'!-:....f.a. r I S.2!.!, <br /> !~~liY-,-13~.5 H.i.Jl!1_~L!.Q. <br /> 111 I I en r,,:vi8wed his report el- I /30/77, end !',jferred Coune i I to the <br /> Planning Commission ~jjn'Jtes 01- Oecember 6, 19FI, recommending Counci I <br /> "pprova I of issuance of a Special Use Permit Nith two contingencies. <br /> ~ii ngert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council approve a Special <br /> Use Pe rm i t for a hem,;:; occupatiorl as I-equested with the con't! n gancy <br /> that the number of amp loyees '# i I not E~KceBd tlt!OIl i n addition to <br /> ~1r's . Carlson. Mot I on c<3rr; ed urian i mOllS, I y . <br /> fase .J:!o~-2?_::1L.-1'~~,! I ne__LaJs.<L~J.!.!.'..J'!o ._ 3--=-!"i nel !,~'.I ar , G..'!_~ <br /> HEdidri ckson <br /> Fill a ,-7epo'rte d thf.i.:- th~! Final Plat lai- c \ mer: ~j Tor) 5 are neat~ll <br /> ie-entice! t ,;) those ~- hO\'JI1 on 1" ':1,~ pre I ; m i jl [1f~Y P ; d'r (app rQv{~d 9/12/77 <br /> ... i th ;') conringencies). f,n ll,?:- no'red l' ;-, i:::~. oj -rLe 5(~~ coni"' nnS:iC i es; <br /> I.. <br /> Items 2, 7; 4 and the "I" i rst p .::ll-~i' c f 1,.; t;;.:l'J e bcon v6;'lfied bl' the <br /> -, <br /> prellmin.'lry gradi ne, and drainagE;l studi€3; se(:()i1 d pal--;' of n umbe r 5 <br /> cin d " and 8 can only be sa;-isl-i,c at t i ine Su i ,di ng Permits are issued; <br /> - <br /> l'leln:> ') and II are tor the r€'::o rod only { Co c; ! "I S GiTact~on to the <br /> cie''1alcper) ; noted tl.,a't items ! <In d 7. re' 1 et,s TO pi a:.15 and spec! f i ca-;- j ons <br /> n" s i 'i'8 i mp :Aov~nn(co)n-t it dnd utilities IUhl~h hcVf' nc,i' be-sn subml'rted <br /> ie, tle Engi neer for review or 8~proval -:-0 da-;";;) . 1 "l-e!11 10" co"so II dot I on <br /> e' 'f I,~i A "i 'rh Loi I, Block 2 'lalani'ille L (} ~(;:3V ; e\-'/ can lHJ done a-r time <br /> p i at I s recor died; p" ,-k dad i C6'( j '~'n has be€.o rE:'SC 1 ved. <br /> . In discussion it was reported t;- f..t a Pa !--~ ia I He I 'Etase o-f Easement ha'3 <br /> l> ean received from N.S.P. which the City AttcTney has appr':lVed to <br /> be r'~cordsd with the 1'lnt. i" :,t as further repor"ted that the <br /> cevolopers hav,:: petitione,j th" City to un deri.nke the strE,et un d <br /> IJt i ! i ty i inp r'ovemen ts . <br /> ~I in g6 ri- m,:;,vHd jl seconded by Woodturn, th,3t 'thE Counci! approve i.he <br /> Final Plat of Valentine L~.;;.e l/islf! NUfflber' 3 cc!r:tingHn'j- upon r')cord I ng <br /> of -;.11(1 N . S. P.. Pal-tiel Rel'3~"e of Easement ':::i! c contingant Uc'Ofl i-he <br /> s i mu I tt;~neolH'J conso! i de1-i on of OJ'i'lot A liitl1 Lot , Block 2, \/a !e~,ti ne <br /> I, <br /> Lak'J Vie"". r~lc1' i on ca,ri ed 'K!niln i mous Iy. <br /> ~iood!) wr'n iUe 'Jf){j } seconded by '.J.!~nger-t~ thnt Courci i np;=, rove Re~;o! ut i on <br /> No e 77M-} 3 authori zl fig prepl:1"r'a":-ion of a ~:ea sib j i j "i"y s-rl.!dy on petition <br /> cf ! no?: of owners for Valentine Lake View Humter 3. 'cjot I on carl-led <br /> unan'mcus Iy, <br /> -6- <br />