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<br />. . .. <br /> !,1j nU'~'e8 ( .I~ nequiar- C;)l1rIC;! (,iE:E1'; n 9 r\iovember ?8~ 1977 <br /> Pdga "fhiO <br /> After cors~dej-al)le disC1JSsion; f\"rtorney Li ppert (rep resent in g Robert <br /> H. Carlson.! sta'ced ~;.he"f \<!e have a solution;" rr,ust re so! ve 't; how i I I <br /> p ':Iy {-a r it, <br /> ~bodblJrn StJpges-red thai" the matter of- s hare d cost can best be <br /> s,~ttled by negotiation; deve lope r NOLI I d have had the entire cost of <br /> the construction as or;ginally planned; S u9gBS)"ed that the City <br /> contrl but", up to $800 to," a rd -;-he recti fieation of the Bussard Court <br /> s to n'i: d r (j i n c,:; go .. Lynden s Ilg9€:S Mh::: d OJ pe rcen i'.c:g'~ soi uti on ',f('U I d be <br /> prefercb Ie. <br /> Afte r" di$cussion, and 59vera I s hare d cost r1roposaisp \'ioodb u rn moved, <br />. seconded by Hanson. that "the City contri bU;"E: up to $750, based on <br /> 25% of the estimated cost, in re ct i J i cat i or: c{- the Bussard Court <br /> storm drainage re Lot 10, Blocl< I, Bussard ~,ddi tior.. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Engineer Christoffersen was requested to p resont the proposal to <br /> Rice Creel< VJatershed District, requesting its participation; Village <br /> is te, administer the project 111 ret u rn for a release of all c lai ms. <br /> Mr. Joe Bussard and }'1r, Robe rt Co r I son a 9 re e d to pay their sha re in <br /> t'le amount of $750 Bsch, or one fourTh of the cost, wh i chever i 5 <br /> f ~rge t- a <br /> Case No:.-.l.:~_~h_ ~H f!!l.:' a .!2...<02...!:!.l d € and Ta! lOW <br /> Lyndon repe> rted that l\i""rOf"ney David Fisher, rapresentlng Minneapolis <br /> Hide and Tallow Co. , has Ihequested -I-hat COCl~Cj I i-ab I €' this matter <br /> un l' i I the ": i r"st regular" melodlng !!1 ,Janua!-y~ <br /> Woodbu r"o mov;;d, seconded by Wi ng~: It;, "i"ha7 (;ou:'c i I table cons i de rat i on <br /> of Case No~ 77-48, as f'equasi"ed, uni' j ! Janu:ry 9. 1978. Motion <br /> carried unan i mOllS ly~ <br /> C ~ N 0 ~ ?_~~.Q. ,-~~f!.5!"",j,._S~J:L a I J!.!;_~"i~i!!i.!-=~,~.r d e 11 .J:1e nor " Second <br /> ! rJ~n t <br /> Lynden reft,,"red Council to draft of Second Prn,~ndment to Amended <br /> Special Use, P3nioi l' ... Case r.lo. 75 ~6 ~ recommending amendments the reto. <br /> '1100 d burn move d " seconded by H:tnscn~' that Cc,uncl f app rove the Se,:ond <br /> A!;)enc;ment 1-0 dsd SpE)ci ,11 Use Permit - CasG 75-6 3S changed, <br /> motion carri ed unanifiiously <br /> 1978 Liouor License& <br /> _'_'~__"U ._,~....,;J.___.__.._,,~_.. .__'_'~ <br /> Lynd.?o" Ie 'ferr~d Coupe i I -;0 his iett8;~ 0'( 11/25/77 )' noting 'chat most <br /> of the char:pe:; have no';,' beer '!'lade p ,\.J i th a few exceptions; recommended <br /> Council ap~' r'QVa j p subject ~:'C -the corr-p10t'or: of the "technical items <br /> noted and 1'0 include some pr(;"isi<.Jn lor the cr) l~ r,e c'r ion 5 of de f i ci enc, es <br /> noi-ec by Fire Ch i e f I(och. <br /> ~Joodtu rn move j, seco;ld~d by !;J i flg8 rt J 1" "fa .;. Coun (: j ! ap prove the fol to\:,.ing <br /> 0 {--sa!;:)r Cn-3ale tln d Dr:-sGle S l; n day Liquor Lic2flses to ,~ 1978, subjeCT <br /> to 'rechn i c<,,! ::or~l-ect [on;; (E'i"ai led by A-j-i"orn!;jY Lynden anc; Fire eil i e f <br /> Koch; <br />. ,'1 En ti-JS~j- Manag::'ifiler--1' Cc:mpan')' of MinnesoT:: d/b/a [v1cGu i r'e is Inn <br /> ILOI West Cou~i'V Road E <br /> Or,-sale, On-'sale Sunday ~ aU-sa ie <br /> /12 31g Te:-,1 Supper' Club, i nc. d/b/a Big Ten Supper Club <br /> 4701 No rth HIghwcY 10 <br /> O,-s<"e. On-sa If; Sunday; O-ff-sa:e <br /> if3 :_,. D.H. d/b/u LindeyJs Prime Steak HOIJSe <br /> 3610 North Snr31 t i ng Avenue <br /> O'~-s5Ie.l' Off-sale <br /> ;~; 4 i'lahortys Ard'3n 801,1! I J inc. <br /> 1275 l'lest County Road E <br /> On-Soles> On-seln Sunday <br /> -2- <br />