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<br /> .. . <br /> , <br /> r j n u"h:~-,; of 1~(:.~~:L lar COl1nci I Ilne-] ins; NO\'E-;f(,~'~ r 28.. 1977 <br /> Faf]'3 f:; u;- <br /> drainaJe; sdqgssted hi.:'; not heccln8 invcJved '"'}ith enq,;~ino, Pl~ <br /> 'for prlvat8 developers~-d.J ~ ~ ~ . <br /> REPOi1T OF Vi_LlIGE TRE,~SlJRER DONALD LAI<'8 (absent) <br /> t~cNlesi) re fe I-re d COllnc I I to Treasurer La mb ' s written report of <br /> actions take n on November 16" 1977, at \'Ihlch ti me the fcllowing <br /> investments were made: <br /> $150,000 e.o. @ 6.6% fOI- f I da,/s - Northtr.'oste ,-n N a t i on a I Elan k <br /> of St. f'au I . <br /> . $265,000 C.D. @ 7.16% '(or 334 days - NQrthwestern National <br /> Bonk of SL P6U I . <br /> ~'c N I e s h a I so reported that the Treasllrer Invested $150,000 on <br /> November 18th at Northwestern National Bank in a Re po @ 6.25% for <br /> 30 days. <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Counci I ratl fy the T re a s II re r ' s <br /> report of I n'lestments on November 16th and 18th. ~otjon carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> OTHER BUS INESS <br /> Case No. 77-47,_.!:ands,~~~lans - f'lorthwes-rern Na-rional Bank 0" <br /> S~Pau I <br /> ~"r . K I us, Banco Corporat ion., reported that they are working w!1'h the <br /> City Engineel- to dete,-mine eleVations of Harr-fet Avenue as It re 1 ates <br /> to the i r bank site; requested Counci , 's approval of a permii- tor <br /> foundati on work in order -;-0 gei- q,-ound work corrpleted be fore hilrd <br /> fro s t. <br /> Chri stofferson said that his oHice is worki,'g on this now; wants to <br /> dete rm I ne thEl street grade be fore bui Iding elevation is dei-ermined <br /> fo r the bank ;, some grad ing \., ill have -fO be done which will 5 ub-' <br /> stantially affect the westeriy side 0";- the p rope rty . <br /> Klus said they can adjust the s,j t j ng, but "IO! I d I r l.~e a per'mlt, <br /> pending notification of .,rades fronl Christoffersen~ so they car proceed. <br /> Christoffersen stater] that the re is no p ;--0 t I,.? m ....1 i t h drainage; <, I 1 <br /> sur'face Vlatel- wi I I d rd i n to -;-he::1 south\':es t; O~.'! I Y 'pJot-r-y is sufficient <br /> road f! I I . <br /> Counell was r-a fe rred to Pla,ner ~q! ler's r81)(:'r.~ of 11/28/77. <br /> A fte r discussion) ~'J i n De rt moved} seconded by Woodburn, t hat Co li n c i I <br /> app rove issuance of a 1'ar't' (J ( Bu I! d i n~t PBrr;1j t .ror site grading and <br /> foot; n~ls, sllbJect -f"C' the C1 t}' El10irleeris app;-oval of the f; r.a I <br /> ~H~ad 1 n9 ;')fan; rema1ninp por1-1on o'f Buildl11~~ \)8 rm i l' to be reserved <br /> for approval of b u i I d ~ n 9 p: a~~l 5 Bnd landsC3,Jil1g p I an s and park <br /> dedica',-jon. ~'otion carried unanimously. <br /> . It ~'as noted by Counci I -;-h~t1al 8,,; 'ding Permit does not <br /> include approval of 'fu-rur's . ~~l'f qhase l\.: notas that <br /> s-,'ack:ng an d p a v ! n 9 h a va been reduced from ',)'-i9inal pi <1n. (ounei I <br /> referred the rev! sed site an d landscape pi 8(::3, an d building plans, <br /> to the Plannin~i Commission for its recommendations to Council. <br /> !j unte I:S ParI< -, Landscape ~ ~_~c;t i ann Repo_,t <br /> Mr. Lenzen, Drey'fus In te rs tal'8 Development C(~rporations said he can't <br /> d I sa.,ree with the landscape inspect!on rep.:),~.r ; was ~nder pressure from <br /> Hllnters Pa rk residents to nf5"!" plantin,l'; ! n; (~ I so de:;irous of getting <br /> the borlo released; I ari dscape ~~ ("'innehaha Nu l-ser~y) said it was an <br /> uri us,lJa I yea r because of demand for -"free r-eo i iiC("ment - d iff i cu It to <br /> obtain eel-ta i n varieties. Le.nzer: said he :3tJ~th()r i zed but did not <br /> super-'"/ise the actual plantin<::; cckno\1ledged -;-h~t many of -the t re e s <br /> are under-'sized, but was to J d these were a I i that the nursery cou I d <br /> obta in. LI;;>nzen said he hates to ha~e 1'he tq:;es removed and/or <br /> c'epl aced; prefers addinQ to the exIsting pl"'''i'ings ~ro compensate <br /> f." r thE' pl~nting errors. <br /> -4- <br />