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<br /> . . . <br /> ~': ~ n utes c "f' Re n u i i1 r Co. U Ii C i j {'./:SEli"! n 9 .'~'.)ve!nL3:r 28~ 1977 <br /> ~Ja0e' five <br /> V~ingert noo'ed ',-hat 0 -,e of -,-h" rOasons -for r'e qui ,- in q the I a rge r <br /> eal iper I s to assu rEI that a tl-eo w 1 II I i 'Ie. A f t'e r discussion, <br /> Counci I concurred w:th Cricf'tonis 5U9p8stion 'fhat the Home Owne rs <br /> Associ a-i-lor: be ,-equested fO work with [T,:;yfLlS in the p repe> rat I on <br /> of an amended !andsc3pe plan fOI- Counci i IS approval; Ci ty office -fO <br /> so advise j-he Home O..,..ners !\s sac! at i on an ej request its cooperation. <br /> Schedule Public Hearlnos <br /> Wingert 1Ti0 \;e-d:-:secon-dedby H3nson~ "thai- C:oLne i I schedule the fo I low I n 9 <br /> Public Hear'ings before -rhe F l ani! i nn Commission on Tuesday, December <br /> 6" 1977 a"t 8::10 p. m. : <br /> . A. Case No. 77'-53, Specia: Use Permi t for Home Occupation - <br /> Car Ison Realty. <br /> B. Case No. 77-50, Rezoning an d Special Use Permit - Rosev! lie <br /> State Bank. <br /> ~'ot i on carried unanimously. <br /> Pa rk Dedications - Status Report_ <br /> Crichton rr,ported that the Ho rth Vie s te rn Sank pa rk dedication <br /> ne90t i at iJr, is pe n d ; n 9 on alternata appraisal. <br /> Tax Forfe!...!.~d Land <br /> A. Leke ,Josephine V I I I as, Lot 3, Block ? Referred to Parks <br /> ~ . <br /> Camm i ttee for recommendations to Counei I. <br /> B. Bcr'stad Addition, Lot 4 except F.ast ! 10 ft. ( 2 parce Is on <br /> f\Ff:b 1 e Poad) . <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Hanson" that Caune' I adopt Resolution No. <br /> 77-70 classifvlng Loi' 4 except the Eas1- i 10 .f.aet ~ Bo I"stad Addition <br /> as non-consGr';ation and appi'oving Its sale. ~'~o'j- ion carried unan! mous I y. <br /> Snowmobile Ordinance <br /> In re v i 8W 0 f "j-hE League's proposed Snowmob i Ie Ordinanc~ Intended <br /> as a common ordinance for a I 1 surl-ound j np conH:lun i -j- i es p conce rn <br /> was expre$sed re hours of operation and opera'ing speeds. <br /> After dls,;uss on, Counei I concul-rEd i-hnt it pie 'fop' rs i-he ",rden H I I IS <br /> ord I n"nce (Or-d. No. 12'5 as amenued by ! 90) ; j"(;quest-ed MeNiash -'-0 <br /> so inform Ramsey Cour, tv LeCiguH or Locai Gave \-nmel1i-s. <br /> He p 0 rJ:__2_LE.I.91~ e d _f',!:2J~.J'::i.::.fc9.Lr.....f x Q.<J n s i (~!!. <br /> Woodburn reported that the hearing was a notice that the Anok,; Co un ty <br /> Ai '-pod shoulu be expanded ""ter 1983; nothinl~ U hard an d fast" at <br /> th ; 5 point, and no necr:ng data has been p repa red; sevel'al more <br /> hearing!:; 'Ii II be scheduled. <br /> PEPORT OF PARriS DIRECTOR JOHi" BUC:<.LEi <br /> Approya' of, vi i n!~Pr~qram_...:::...l'!.?l!, <br /> . Hanson rno\led. seconded by Cr'ieh'fon" thb'f Coune i I ap p ,'ove the 1978 <br /> Iv i nte r P rog r.:ll'11 as p:~cp()sedG ~'!ot j on car-r i (; d ucanimotls!y. <br /> n t Purchase <br /> Council was referred to memo from Buckley (11/23/77) . <br /> A fte r discussion, Woodt, U I-n move d ~ secor,ded by Hi:Jnson, that Cour,ci I <br /> aui'ho,-i ze purc:hi:lse of the Tot.o Grcunds Master 72 at the bid p ri ce of <br /> $4,900, witn heater cab \1 i -rh 1"0 I I over. proi'ec.';-ion system at $ 1,050, <br /> hs<:vy du1'y ;Jrcom at $0'0 and I<flights ao d dprorJ ~,t $125 (total $6,925l. <br /> tt,ot i or carriec (~Yoodb LJ rn, Hanson, Win ge r-r voting in rav("Jr of the <br /> motion; C"i ,:hton vot i n 9 iro opposition)" <br /> ~ n discussion, C(luncil queri ed the City'S p i OV! i n 9 0 f tinks. on <br /> ~)rivat-8 p'opo>rty (Arden !Vlanor ;, Pemtor'l ; ,I nt, i ar Oaks etc.). Buck ley <br /> ~;ai d i', because of the short ske"tin!.=1 seasor. wani-s to provi de <br /> i'h I s activity for the r'83 i dEnts; SU9gested an alternative could be that <br /> It be the neighborhood's respons Ib i Ii 1''1 to kerp the rinks clean and <br /> City -r lood 'them from time to ti me. <br /> -5- <br />