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<br /> " - -- <br /> """ . ... <br /> ~.,: j nut e;; <~ f F~o 9 u I a r CO:J n c! I f"~'~8t j n ( November 28~ 1977 <br /> Page six <br /> (ounc I I re fe ,-re d the rna tte ,- 0 f j ce r inks to the Pa rks Committee for <br /> its recomwendatlons to Councl I re: <br /> I. Pinl,s which should be maintained by the City, <br /> 2. Rinks which should be maintained by homeowners associations <br /> and/o!~ individuals. <br /> Council ,equested that Buckley contact Attorney Lynden re City t s <br /> Ii abi I itv fo '" rink maintenance on private property. <br /> . Intern - Parks and Recreation [~rTm~nt <br /> BuckfeyreportedthatDebbie Wi IleH, a Parks an d Recreation major <br /> e1- Bethel Co i lege, .lill be workln9 as an i n--e f-n in the Arden Hills <br /> Parks and Recreation Department from now through December 17th at <br /> no cost to Vi Ilage. <br /> Tree Purchase <br /> Buckley reported that the State wi II pay for reforestation costs up <br /> to $720; Ci t~1 may have to p I ace order in 1977 for delivery in the <br /> spring of I 9'!8. Buckley said he wi i I cheCk on this and advise <br /> Council (I t Has noted that Counci I authorized a $2,000 tree purchase <br /> for 1978 planting). <br /> Parks and ReCI-eat i on Employee <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Counei i app rove the hI r I n g <br /> of Gary Pappen ius at $3.00/hl". for one day to operate the tree spade, <br /> and author; zed the hi~inq oi the five basketbal I referees at B.SO/hr. <br /> 'for the 1977 f ell program, as I Isted ;n Buckley's memo (11/28/77). <br /> ~~ot I on carried unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE ~CNIESH <br /> Pay ro I I <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council approve the Payrol', <br /> and attached checks, as submitted. Motion carried unan i mous I v. <br /> Ad jou rn me nt. <br /> Wingert moved,. se con de,d by Hanson, that the meeting adjour-n at II :55 p. m. <br /> ~lotion carried unanimously. <br /> ~~P~L - 4<~) Col.. -- <br /> Cha I' 1 f)tt" lId i ash Chai~lss C1"tchton <br /> ( lerk ,~dml n i ,;trator P,ct; n 9 'Y&yor <br /> . <br /> Meet i nq Not i ell <br /> The na xl' Regular Counl:il Mee ';- i n 9 w ill be held on r~onday; December 12th <br /> at 7:30 p.m. at the V I I I age Ha I I. <br /> -6- - ---- <br />