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<br /> ~ ' , . <br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting October II, 1977 <br /> Page eleven <br /> B. PlanninQ Assistance Grant ProQram <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Crichton, that Councl i adopt <br /> Resolution No. 77-65, Resolution Requesting a 60-Day <br /> Extension. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Town Crier Pancake House - Revised Site Plan <br /> Miller reported that the revised parking area still functions ade- <br /> quately; lost some grass area in front but entrance has been Improved. <br /> Special Studies <br /> Miller reported that the Planning Commission has scheduled a Special <br /> Meeting on October 18th to discuss the p~anning of "downtown Arden Hills", <br /> requesting that ~ study be made of the area; concern was stemmed by <br />. the application for an addition to Flaherty's Arden Bowl. <br /> "'II leI" suggested that unti I II study is authorized, he proposes to pre- <br /> pare a traffic projection and an evaluation of the undeveloped area <br /> re high-use proposals; prrannlng Commission's concern 1st he I mpact on <br /> the area. <br /> REPORT OF ViLLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> Lamb reported the status of Investments and cash flow over the next <br /> few weeks. Council authorized the cashing of the most recently <br /> purchased CD, If determined necessary. <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council accept the Treasurer's <br /> report. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Status Report - Park Dedication NeQotiatlons <br /> (See Karth Lake Estates and Karth Lake Hills above>. <br /> Approval of Instructors - Fall ProQram <br /> Crichton moved that Council authorize the hiring of the Fall Program <br /> Instructors as listed In Buckley's memo of 10-5-77. Motion was seconded <br /> by Hanson and carried unanimous~y. <br /> Ap,p rov8! of Lift Station WirlnQ for Standby PoweC <br /> Counci I was referred to memo from Johansen (10-6-77) recommen din g <br /> Council's approvsR of the low bid (two bids received). <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council award the bid to the <br /> low bidder, Claude M. Anderson Electric Company, ioc. In the amount <br /> of $5,255.00. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF VilLAGE CLERK ADMiNISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> Claims and Pavroll <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by H8nson, that Councl i approve the Claims <br /> and Payroll !lS submitted. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council authorize reimburse- <br /> ment of $63.99 to Officer" Willard John for boot purchase (uniform <br />. allowancel. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Retu~_ to Work.- Officer LaVal Ie <br /> Council was referred to memo from Lt. McCal~ advising that Officer <br /> LaVeile reports that he can return to regular duty for 4-5 hourS/day. <br /> Council authorized Lt. McCall to schedule LaValle for 4-5 hrs./day, <br /> upon receipt of a letter from LaValle's doctor approving his return <br /> to work. <br /> Adlournment <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that the meeting adjourn at <br /> 2: 13 a.m. <br /> ~~~ Jr. <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> Next Councl f MA.t'JtlnQ: October 31, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. at the VII !age Hal R. <br /> -I t- ------- <br /> _________ ___________ ____00______ <br />