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<br />. <br /> <br />Mlnut~)s of Speci~i Co~ncJf Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />January i7, 1977 <br /> <br />Applicati~n ~or Perm~l to A~~~ori~te Water - Ramsey County Environ- <br />montal Servic3s <br />'Iioodbul-n moved, ~;ecorded by Hanson, that Council approve Ramsey <br />County Environmental ServicBs Application For Permit to Appropriate <br />Water, Ramsey County Deep Nell IS (Lake Josephine). Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />~~al of Specifications for Squad Car <br />Counc! I reviewed memo from Lieutenent McCall and attached Specifi- <br />cations for 1977 Police Squad Car. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion, Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council <br />approve the Specifications, In general, and authorize advertisement <br />for bids, MotIon carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Sa I arj' <br />Hanson <br />hourly <br />1977 , <br /> <br />Schedule for Part-time Police Officers <br />moved, second'ed by Woodburn, thai' Coun'ci r set $7.50 as the <br />pay for part-time pollee officers for 1977, effective January I, <br />Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Youth Service Bureau ., Appointment 1'0 Board of Oi rect.ors <br />Mayorcrepeau accepted appointmeni' to serve on the Youth Service <br />Bureau Board of Directors. <br /> <br />McNiesh was requested to check wii'h Human Rights members LaRhae Knat- <br />terud and Joy Class re their interest in serving as RCitizen at Large", <br /> <br />Pressure Sewer Cleaning Equipment <br />Woodburn reported that i'he Public Works Department has budgeted <br />$11,000 for presure se~er cleaning equipment; had proposed a trai ler <br />mount; WOOdburn said that a used truck mOdel is available at an approxi-, <br />mate cost of $6800. <br /> <br />After discussion, Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that Counci I <br />authorize Dreparation of specifications and advertisement for bids for <br />used pressure sewer cleenlng equipment. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Frozen Water lines <br />WoodblJl"n reporte-a-severa I instances of fl"ozen "atar ! i nes. He reported <br />that the Public Works Department, in one instance, dug down at the <br />stop box to determine vhere pipe was frozen; costs to be paid by <br />property owner if trouble is not found on City's portIon of the lIne. <br /> <br />Woodbu~n noted that water wi II have to be left on ail winter to avoid <br />further froBzing, and roquested Counai I to determine policy re how to <br />charge for this ~P'lter; Johansen'says meter cannot be installed without <br />its 'freezing. <br /> <br />After discussion, Counci I determined that City would have to charge <br />for water usage; Johansen should attempt inst~lfation of the meter; <br />nol the responsibility of the Village i'f privai'e water lines freeze. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Arden /i,anor Request tl1<lt Vi r la92._~~!,d Stn3s...!2, <br />Woodburn reported that Arden Manor has requested the Village to sand <br />its streets; has B contractor to plow but he does not have a supply <br />of sand or sal1', <br /> <br />After discussion WOOdburn moved that CouncIl authorize Viilage sanding <br />of Arden Manor streats on a temporary basis, if requested, this winter, <br />for anapproprjate charge, Motion vas seconded by Crichton and carried <br />un an j f10US! y. <br /> <br />Tra!22.:'~.!.::_2,.f. Funds_lLY_ T<?,Jeph?J:lJs...J.!)s'i'l"uctions 5nd f~ctln9 TreaslJr:.l!.!:. <br />CrIchton suggests,; that~ since Ward Hanson is Finance Uiaison, he <br />make telephonic fund transfers instead of C~ichton, and that he serve <br />a~ Aci"ing Treasurer in Treasurer Lamb's absence. <br /> <br />':'2 !J.S~I Depal"-;-"~nt _~lemb~rsh i p Fees_ <br />Coune I 1 a u'~hor i zec; payment 0 f m. 00 membe rsh j pin Minnesota Ch Ie fs <br />Association; McCall to attend. Claim for memberships In Minnesota <br />PeEcs Bnd Pollee Officers ASSDclation to be re-submltted in Apri I. <br /> <br />-4- <br />