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<br />, <br /> <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting October 12, 1976 <br />Page five <br /> <br />Case No. 76-34, Leslie Nordin - Variance for Location of Garage Prior <br />to Construction of Resl~ence on Floral Drive <br />Wingert referred Councl I to sketch of II-acre tract on which Nordin <br />requests to locate a storage garage. Wingert reviewed the Board of <br />Appeals (9-19-76) and Planner (10-1-76) reports and Planning Commission <br />Minutes of 10-5-76, and moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council <br />approve the variance to locate the garage on the property, as shown <br />on the sketch submitted, prior to construction of the house, provided <br />that al I vehiCles (mobile home, corn planter etc.) be stored In the <br />garage, eliminating outdoor storage on the site, and that the garage <br />not be used as living quarters; variance approvai not to exceed twelve <br />(12) months and is subject to review at the end of that period. Motion <br />. carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 76-35, Minneapolis Hide and Tallow - Building Permit <br />Wingert reported that he and three Planning Commission members visited <br />the Mlnneapo! is Hide and Tallow site on Saturday, October 8th to see <br />the existing operation and locations of the proposed additions whiCh. <br />are proposed to improve air and water quality. Wingert described the <br />proposed construction and referred Councl I to plans submitted, reporting <br />that the Planning Commission considers that the construction proposed <br />Is not expanding the business, but to Improve air and water quality <br />(non-conforming In L-l zone.) <br /> <br />Council was referred to letter of 10-12-76 from Tlbor Kosas, Division <br />of Air Quality, and to letter of 10-8-76 from Donald R. Madore, Metro- <br />politan Waste Control Commission, and to Planning Commission's recommen- <br />dation (Minutes of 10-5-76). <br /> <br />After discussion, Wingert noted that the on-sight visit by the Planning <br />Commission was satisfactory, and moved, seconded by Crichton, that Coun- <br />cil approve issuance of the Building Permit pursuant to plans dated <br />10-5-76, with condition that construction plans be signed by registered <br />engineer. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />In further discussion, Crichton asked what complications there might <br />be If lots on which Minneapolis Hide and Tallow buildings are located <br />were consolidated Into a single parcel; noted that buildings cover- <br />several platted lots, overlapping lot lines etc. Council expressed <br />concern when and If a portion of the property were sold, possibly with <br />a building on it, causing a non-conforming situation re set-back from <br />property lines. Wingert felt that only a minor purpose would be served <br />by a consolidation at this time; City would always have control as to <br />building occupancy and lot spilt at time of sale. <br /> <br />OTHER BUS iNESS <br /> <br />Case No. 76-37, Blue Fox Inn - Replacement Sign <br />Wingert reported that the Blue Fox Inn has requested approval of a <br />temporary slgn,d~rlng period of construction and approval of a 23' <br />high replacement sign. <br /> <br />Wingert advised that former sign, on the canopy pylo~ was 22' In height; <br />new proposed sign Is 23' high (Internally lighted), to be located 25' <br />... from LexIngton property line and 20' from Grey Fox Road property line. <br /> <br />After discussion, Wingert moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council <br />approve a height variance of 6' (sign to be 22' In height) as shown on <br />the site plan; curb to be wrapped around base of standard; Including <br />sign In the landscaped area. Motion carried (Wingert, Woodburn, Crepeau <br />votIng In favor of fhe motion; Crichton VOTing in oppOSiTion'. <br /> <br />Wingert movad, seconded by Woodburn, that Council ~pprove business <br />Identification temporary sign until November 15, 1976. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADM IN I STRATOR CHARLOTTE MCN i ESH <br /> <br />Temporary Signs - St. Paul Book and Stationery <br />McNlesh referred two temporary sign applications from St. Paul Book <br />and Stationery to Council for approval; St. Paul Book Intends to use <br />one. of them during Its sale (Oct. 21 through Oct. 25). 't was noted <br />that one of the signs Is the one previously used by St. Paul Book <br />-5- <br />