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<br />,Minutes of Special Counci I MeeTing <br />Page two <br /> <br />August 23, !976 <br /> <br />State Frontage Road Convey~~ <br />Johansen reported that the Public Works Committee recommends Council <br />acceptance of six State Frontage Roads, which the City currently <br />maintains, and referred Counci I to letter from Engineer ChrIstoffersen <br />dated 8/10/76. <br /> <br />In discussion, Council expressed concern re replacement cost of these <br />frontage roads; and determined that costs would exceed benefits to <br />the City;, therefore, requested Johansen to notify the State Highway <br />Department that Arden Hili s does not des,i re to accept the conveyance <br />of the six frontage roads at this tlme~. L , <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />State-aid Road Designation <br />Johansen referred Council to Engineer Christoffersen's letter of <br />8/11/76 re M.S.A. Street Deslgnatbn, advising that any streets Arden <br />Hills wishes to designate this year should be in preliminary form <br />and sent to the State during the first part of September. <br /> <br />Crichton suggested en amended State-aid road designation plan to Council <br />for Its consideration, which would increase road de~~~a~ncto within, <br />.M miles ,ot the p'ermltted ml f~age fqr Arden Hi I!s.t".W~~ A.u.- <br />~~~~~r"'1l,~e6' "#' <br /> <br />After revl6w of several alternate plans and discussion, Council author- <br />Ized Engineer to prepare Resolution adopting change In State-aid road <br />designation for Arden Hills, as per amended map. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that Councl I adopt Resolution <br />No. 76-41, authorizing the change In State-aid road designation and <br />authorizing Its execution by the Mayor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />Bids for Hamllne Avenue Improvement <br />Christoffersen referred Council to the bids received tor the Hamllne <br />Avenue up-grading project (leveling co~rse, seal-coating and shoulder <br />along the west side of the road); recommending that Councl I accept <br />the low bid of $11,643.60 (B-Tu Mix Company). <br /> <br />After discussion, Wingert moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council <br />adopt Resolution No. 76-42 awarding the bid to B-Tu Mix Company In the <br />amount of $11,643.60, for Hamllne Avenue Improvement, County Road F <br />to Highway 96. Matton carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Bids for County Road F Improvement <br />Christoffersen referred Council to the bids received tor the County <br />Road F Improvement, ranging from $155,173.30 to $199,844.00. He <br />reported that plans have been sent to the State for review, but have <br />not been returned to date; bid should not be awarded at this time, <br />pending approval by the State, and resolution of necessary easements <br />by Attorney Lynden. <br /> <br />In. dlscusslon o~ needed easements, Mr. R~lling stated he has not made <br />any definite decisions on the easements requested. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Feasibility Report re little Crow Addition - <br />Christoffersen referred Councl I to his lotter of 8/18/76 In which he <br />estimates the cost of the proposed Little Crow Addition at $18,500, <br />reducing this amount by $1,000, If bituminous curb is substituted for <br />concrete curb and gutter. <br /> <br />After discussion, Council requested McNlesh to inform the property <br />owners of the feasibility report and to a.k whether they wish Council <br />to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications tor the project. <br /> <br />A!lprOVa I of Rams.llY County P I ens for Lex i ngton Avenue i ~.2!ovement from <br />County Road E to Grey Fox Road <br />Council was referred to letter from Floyd Snyker, Assistant County <br />Engineer (8/19/76), in which he estimllted the total cost for storlll <br />sewor @ $27,330 involved alinneios to be Shorevlf;lll" Arrll!'n Hills, Ramsey <br />coun.tY-!!'\rl Mli:s,~ta Highway Oepartment. It \tilS noted by McNiesh <br />that f1tf~~portion of the cost, when determined, will be <br />credited-iIiii against future'(pr-oJects Involving County particI- <br />pation. ,~~ <br /> <br />-2- <br />