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<br />}iinU"i-(3s of Special Counci I ~!€letjng <br />Page three <br /> <br />August 23, 1976 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion, Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council <br />approve the Ramsey County plans for Lexington Avenue ~mprovement from <br />County Road "E" to Grey Fox Road S.A.P. 62-651-05, and authorize <br />execution thereof by Mayor Crepeau. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Application for Payment No.3 and Final - C. W. Houle Landscaping Co., <br />Inc. for Indian Oaks Two Addition <br />Chrlstofforsen referred Councl I to his letter of 8/12/76 and Applica- <br />tion for Payment No.3 and Final from C. W. Houle Landscaping Co., Inc., <br />in the amount of $5,125.61, for indian Oaks Two Improvement; noted <br />that there Is no retainage. Christoffersen advised that there is a <br />one-year guarantee of the project from the date of final acceptance. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council accept the project <br />and approve andauthoriza 3rd and flna' payment to C. W. Houle Co., inc. <br />In the amount of $5,125.61, for Ondlan Oaks Two Addition. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Warning Devices to Individual Homes <br />Christoffersen reported that he does not recommend placing individual <br />home warning devices In either the pumping stations or manholes; City <br />wo~ld still have responsibility; would not want unauthorIzed persons <br />to enter either the manholes or the stations. <br /> <br />Wingert agreed to pursue a device which can be placed In Individual <br />homes; warns occupant when it contacts water ($10 -$12 probable cost). <br /> <br />REPORT OF ViLLAGE ATTORNEY JAMES LYNDEN <br />(absent) <br /> <br />Case No. 74-38, Twin City Christian Homes - Request for Time Extension <br />for Special Use Permit. <br />Reverend Larry Petersen requested CouncIl to extend the Special Use <br />Permit for the Twin City Christian Homes retirement center which was <br />granted about a year ago; reported they are seeking federal funds and <br />antlcipate3 acknowledgement of their applIcation In about a week. <br /> <br />Larry McGough advised Council that T.C.C.H. has proceeded to purchase <br />the property and would like some assurance that prQJ~et ~ill be approved <br />when funds are available. <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />...I! <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />III th - J I <br />~. 11 I <br /> <br />r II 4 <br />r I -II' -', r <br />-""-rr- <br />, I. <br />- . , <br /> <br />- - <br />. L' I <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />. .., . ~ -.. ". <br />. ., , . i-- I . ,. <br />'. -.. I " r .. '" "'_ I -. .^'~. <br />. I ,.... , <br /> <br />1.- ___I ."JI."" _..J II t,u .. <br />I . . . -, _ I I . -T--TH -:. "" <br />Special Use Permits automatically expire and become <br />and after date on which grantedJexpiratlon date of <br />be extended for an additlGna! period, not to exceed <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />c I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />." <br />vo I d 6 months "H'om <br />such permit may <br />6 monThs-. <br /> <br />Crichton noted that park dedication needs may have changed In the intsr;m <br />period; parks department wi I! probably want to revielt its.., requirements <br />in this are'3 of the Village at time Amended Special Use Permit "Is c<m- <br />sldered. <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />After discussion, Reverend Petersen ~ithdrew his request for time ex- <br />tension. <br /> <br />Case No. 76-3, Northwestern College - Special Use Permit <br />Attorney Leander Lippert and Thomas Erickson requested that Council <br />defer Its deliberations re Northwestern College's application for <br />Special Use Permit, to the meeting of September 13, 1976. Counci I <br />granted the request. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE CLERK ADMiN~STRAIOR CHARLOTTE MCNiESH <br /> <br />Lake JohsAna Fire Departme~Agreement re Purchase of Dispatching <br />Equipment <br />Deferred to later Council Meeting. <br /> <br />-3- <br />