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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />and four at $4,900.70. Mr. Feyereiaen haa made certain arr&.nge- <br />menta with people who have purchased those lots and he will pay <br />the amount that waa agreed upon when he sold the particular <br />lots. For purposes of the assessment hearing and the assess- <br />ment roll, Obviously the Council had to propose the adoption <br />of a period of time, and in the notice the assessments are <br />spread over 20 years with an 8% carrying charge. The notice <br />also provided that there could be the opportunity of paying <br />50% of such assessment within that 30 day period before it's <br />ce:.::tified on down. our discussions in our office - and at that <br />tiro~ Mr. Feyereisen wasn I t completely sure how much he was <br />going to pay down and'it would, Obviously on some lots, might <br />nct be the full 50% - it might be something less than that. <br />Yeu have the right to make that determination tonight if you <br />wish to, and perhaps the engineer can tell you what Mr. <br />Feyereisen may have discussed with him subsequent to that <br />meeting in our office, but assuming there is no other change <br />than that, there would be 30 days to pay without any interest <br />penalty, after which the assessment roll would be certified to <br />. the county and then one-twentieth of the principal would be <br />collected each year for the next 20 years, together with an 8% <br />carrying charge. Anyone who may own a lot may pay the <br />assessment balance up anytime within that 20 year period, but <br />:r know Mr. Feyereisen has this arrangement with some of the <br />lot owners and he indicated he would make whatever paymenta <br />are necessary during that 30 day period so that his commitment <br />was kept. <br /> <br />MAYOR CREPEAUs Any questions? <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTONs I g1\ther we have, except for the <br />lots where no assessment is m~de, three different assessment <br />figures? <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: There is one \.'lithout any assessment so <br />th",,:ce would be no assessment there. There are nine lots <br />originally scheduled at $4,100.00 and four at $4,900.70. Now, <br />'~,e $333 comes off of which lots? <br /> <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: Lot 7, Block 1 and Lots 2 and 3 of <br />Block 2. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: In addition to the zero, there are <br />fe'1%' different prices. I guess my only real concern is, since <br />t~ese are different figures, do all of the land owners know <br />they are being charged more or less than the others? Do they <br />knml this? It's a little unusual practice if they don't. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: Theoretically, the assessments would be to <br />the benefits and you would think they would be equal, but <br />because of the prior arrangements Mr. Feyereisen had where they <br />