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<br />Minutes of Special Caunci! Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />J u I Y 19, I 976 <br /> <br />Motion carried (Feyereisen, Woodburn, Crepeau voting for the motion; <br />Crichton and Wingert voting in opposition). <br /> <br />(Chief Sexton was requested to delineate duties of Reserves vs <br />Regular Sworn Officers.) <br /> <br />fit c~~ . <br />Sexton said he plans to SChedule{'r~~ VIIIIi" tests for the two <br />potential reserve officers, not. that the reserve unit has been <br />authorized. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Storm Draina<:!e Problem, James tkNamee Property - Siems Court and <br />johanna Boulevard <br />Christoffersen referred Counci I to his letter of 6/30/76 and attached <br />contour map indicating the McNamee property on Siems Court at <br />Lake Johanna Boulevard, the existing culverts and the area tributary <br />to the McNamee property. <br /> <br />Christoffersen estimated cost of providing a storm sewer (as <br />indicated on the contour map) at $15,000, which would divert the <br />major amount of drainage from the McNamee property, noting that <br />approxirrmtely 306 acres \/ould continue to flow through this property. <br /> <br />Christoffersen advised that ditching would be difficult because <br />of the steep terrain; the necessary bends in the ditch would be <br />difficult and costly to line in order to prevent erosion. <br /> <br />McNamee stated that highway construction, home construction north <br />of Johanna Blvd. and home construction on the east side of Siems <br />Court heve all contributed to greater surface run-off through <br />his propertyo <br /> <br />Crepeau noted that a former ponding area on the north side of <br />Johanna Blvd. Is now drained through a culvert under Joh.3nna Blvd. <br />into this area. <br /> <br />Wlnger+ questioned whether proposed storm drain would meet reQulro- <br />ments of Rice Creek Watel"shed; project would have to hav,,, apPI"oval <br />of Boare of Managers before It could be granted a permit by the <br />Vi II age. <br /> <br />In discussion of payment for tha project, Christoffersen Indicated <br />that Ramsey County might participate for their percentage of run-off <br />cos t. Coun c i I s ugges ta d th at McNamee check with Ramsey County to <br />detwrmlne when culverts were placed on Johanna Blvd.; property Is <br />in the natural drainage way; City has not contributed to additional <br />run-off thru this area since lots wen;) purchased about <1 years ago; <br />consequently Arden Hills cannot request citizens to pay for con- <br />structicn of this proposod drain_ project could only be assessed to <br />affected property owners.. Counci I further suggested thaj. McNamee <br />contact Rice Creek Watershed re possible solutions to his problem. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Woodburn suggested that perhaps an alternate solution would be the <br />creation of a pond on a portion of tho site; raising the level of <br />the balance of the site ilnd therel:rt cr';)atlng a lot \;hich..ould be <br />buildable. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Plans for Lexln<:!ton Avenualmprovement from County <br />Road E to Gn~~x Road <br />2hristoffarsen referred Gounci I to the plans submitted by Ramsey <br />Cou nty for the imp rovemerl t of Lex I ngton Aven ue f ,om Coun ty Road E <br />to Grey Fox Road, and noted certain inconsistencies, outlined in <br />'lis letter of 7/19/76, which he would like to have rectiri'3d before <br />recommendi ng approva I of the plans by the Counci I. <br /> <br />!~llne Avenue and County Road F U~provements <br />Chrlstoffarse,n referred Council to plans and specifications for <br />levaling coar'sa on Hamlllle Ave., construction of a 4' wide gravel <br />shoulder along the west side and the seal coato <br /> <br />-2." <br />