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<br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />July 12, 1976 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />gram described by Tom Lewcock (New Brighton), which is evidently <br />working very wel I: <br />I. life-time license. <br />2. Community Service Officer has truck with radio, and patrols <br />at uncommon hours of day and night. <br />3. reduces hours police officer spends on dog nuisance calls. <br />4. warning Is given at first offense of ordinance violation <br />(assuming dog is licensed); second offense, a citation Is <br />issued. <br />5. a New Brighton veterinarian acts as the "dog pound" where <br />dog owners pay costs (shots required, room and board, etc.) <br />6. Community service officer also works on Operation 10, en- <br />forcement of sprinkling ban, etc. <br /> <br />Wingert reported that New Brighton's program has reduced the number <br />of dogs running at large; same veterinarian would also serve Arden <br />Hills, if requested. Wingert said that Dick Wedell is presenting <br />a similar ~rogram to Shoreview; suggested possibly pursuing program <br />on a joint basis with Shoreview, and asked Council to consider a pro- <br />gram of this nature. <br /> <br />Councl I did not take any action on the proposal. <br /> <br />Mounds View HI~h School Kiln Enclosure <br />Council referred to memo from Building Inspector Squires (7-9-76) <br />and concurred that Building Permit for replacement of the kiln <br />enclosure be Issued, if plans for proposed structure meets State <br />Code. <br /> <br />Steak Inn - Revised Landscape Plan . <br />Wingert described the landscaping changes proposed on the Amended <br />Landscape Plan which includes considerable substitution of species. <br /> <br />After discussion, Council concurred that CouncIl accept the Amended <br />Landscape Plan (Revised June 1976); Steak Inn to inform City when <br />plantlngs have been completed for Inspection and certification by <br />Landscape Inspector. <br /> <br />Proposed Letter to Land Owners <br />Deferre~ pending re-draft of second page by Wingert. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />Federal Revenue Sharing Actual Use Report <br />McNlesh referred Council to the Federal Revenue Sharing Actual Use <br />Report prepared as per Councl I approval, and requested Council to <br />designate boxes to be checked. <br /> <br />After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that one box <br />be checked Indicating that Federal Revenue Sharing Funds have preven- <br />ted Increased taxes. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Utility and Rate StUdy Committee Request for Banister Engineering <br />Evaluation of Uti Ilty Faci Ilties and Replacement Costs <br />McNlesh was requested to obtain an evaluation from Banister Engineer- <br />Ing of estimate of size of this project and a rough idea of costs <br />entailed. <br /> <br />Claims and Payrolls <br />C-rTdl.tonmoved, seconded by Wingert, that Counci I approve Toe payrui I'; <br />and authorize payment of claims as presenTed. Motion carried unanlmo~sly. <br /> <br />McNlesh requested Counci I approval of two <br />will appear on ~he August DiSburSements: <br />Metro Waste Control <br />Rosedale Chevrolet <br /> <br />additional claims which <br /> <br />$6,956.10 <br />$3,984.26 <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council authorize payment <br />of the two claims, as presented. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance Review <br />Deferred to next Council Meeting. <br /> <br />-4- <br />