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<br />Minutes of Regular Courrci I Meeting <br />Pa ge th ree <br /> <br />July 12, 1976 <br /> <br />e. are working on the new well; after this is in operation <br />will repair and. re-bui Id old well and pump. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />It was noted by Anderson and Franzen that they are concerned about <br />wording In the permit re permitting wood-sided homes only - feels <br />that aesthetically wood-sided homes deteriorate and look unattractive <br />much sooner than the metal-sided; suggested that perhaps a "mix" <br />could be permitted. He said all mobile homes are now constructed <br />under HUD requirements, to structural and fire code specifications. <br /> <br />Deslreability of a swimming pool Is also of concern; presents liability <br />problems - not sure It's wise for safety of the children. <br /> <br />In discussion of the streets and utilities, Franzen said they want <br />to first make sure that al I streets and uti litles, walks and curbs are <br />completed - wi II then have them inspected. Asked what would be expec- <br />ted of them if, after inspection, streets and utilities are not built <br />according to City specifications - will they have to tear them out <br />and re-build or fix deficiencies? <br /> <br />After discussion, Council requested Mr. Anderson and Mr. Franzen to <br />submit evidence in support of the changes they propose; noting that <br />one of the first requirements pending completion, before the Special <br />Use Permit can be obtained Is the park easement. Council noted that <br />the requirement of wood-sided homes was considered to be a standard <br />of excellence by the Council; if they are not, what Is? Council said <br />that residents of the park have the right to expect the amenities, <br />such as the pool, which were part of the approved ~l$n for the park; <br />determination on utilities and streets will be made after inspectl~ns <br />are completed. <br /> <br />Case No. 76-17, Richard Glvans - Sldeyard Setback Variance for Garage <br />at 1904 Glenpaul Avenue <br />Council was referred to the Planning Commission Minutes of 7/6/76, <br />Board of Appeals Report (6/28/76, Planner's Report and letter from <br />residents (6/4176). <br /> <br />After review of sketch present7d with application, and discussion <br />with Mr. Glvans re possible alternate garage locations, Wingert moved, <br />seconded by Crepeau, that Council approve the 8' sideyard setback <br />variance on the basis that it is appropriate to the area and an Im- <br />provement to the general appearance of the neighborhood. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Shore Protection for Boat Ramp Faci Iltles - Tony Schmidt Park <br />Council reviewed the plans and Notification of Permit Application, <br />to the Department of Natural Resources. <br /> <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council approve the pla~s <br />for rip-rapping, as presented, and authorize execution of the appli- <br />cation by Mayor Crepeau, on behalf of the City Councl I. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Approval of Instructor-aid - Girls' Gymnastic Program <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn that Patti Kile be hired as <br />Girls' Gymnastic Instructor 8 $3.50/hour, effective June 14, 1976. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Arden Hills Building Supervisor Cost for Use of School Facilities <br />Council discussed memo from Buckley dated 7/7/76 re 1975-76 School <br />Bui Idlng Cost Sharing, and expressed concern re system apparently <br />used to determine total usage of buildings. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that Councl I authorize payment <br />of balance of $837.75 to Mounds View School District 621 for the <br />1975-76 school year building usage ($1964.75 total). Motion carrl~d. <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Ramsey County League of Local Governments Meeting - Report re Dog <br />Control <br />Wingert reported on June 16th RCLLG meeting and the dog control pro- <br /> <br />-3- <br />