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<br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />June 14, 1976 <br /> <br />J. 3. Change "off duty" to "out of uniform". <br />Page 4. Delete "Sec." before all numbers. <br />In 1\10. 12, change "dismissed" to "suspended". <br />In No. 13, delete G. and Insert it as No. 19 on page 5. <br />Change all letters to lower case under No. 13. . <br />No. 13 g. Add "in an emergency" to end of sentence, after <br />re-Iettering H. to g. and i. to h, <br />Pege 5. Delete "Sec." before all numbers. <br />No. 18. Change "Constitution and By-laws" to "Rules <br />and Regulations". <br />Add No. 19. (Sec. 13.G. from page 4.), <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In discussion of th~.~~osed Reserve Unit, Council concurred that badges <br />for Reserve officers4 e ~urchased and owned by the Village. Council ac- <br />tion re Reserve Unit was deferred to Council Meeting of 6/21/76. <br /> <br />(McNlesh was requested to check insurance coverage re reserve officers <br />and Sexton was requested to arrange for psychological testing of the <br />two Arden Hi I Is Reserve applicants; cost of testing to be paid by the <br />V i I lage,) <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY JAMES LYNDEN <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 194 <br />Lynden referred Council to his letter of 5/31/76, and attached draft <br />of proposed 6rdinance after which he read the ordinance in Its entirety. <br /> <br />After discussion, Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council <br />adopt Ordinance No. 194, AN ORDINANCE AMENDiNG ORD. NO. 94 BY STRIKING <br />PROVISION REQUIR~NG LICENSING OF RESiDENTIAL SEWER INSTALLERS AND AMEND- <br />ING ORD, NO. 49 BY CLARiFYING TO WHOM SEWER CONNECTION PERMITS MAY BE <br />ISSUED, as read. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Counci I authorize McNlesh <br />to send letters to licensed sewer installers advising that City <br />licensing of s~~Ar in~Tallars is no lonaer permissible, and that license <br />fee, pro-rated for last one-half (of 1976, will be refunded, Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Resolution Vacating Portions of Connelly Avenue and Road Easement <br />Lynden referred Counci I to his letter of 6/14/76 re Resolution Vacating <br />PortJons of Connelly Avenue and Road Easement, noting that some park- <br />Ing stal Is may (according to formerly proposed landscape plan) be <br />located within the 55' wide road easement. <br /> <br />!n discussion, it was noted that approval of Flaherty's parking plans <br />is pending approval of grading and landscape plans. Council was in <br />general agreement that action on Resolution Vacating Portions of Connelly <br />Avenue and Road Easement be deferred unti I Flaherty's grading and land- <br />scape plans have bee1 approved. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Proposed Zoning Ordinance <br />Lynden referred Council to his letter of 6/14/76 re Proposed Zoning <br />Ordinance, suggesting the following fo~ Council's consideration: <br />I. Definitions of "Basement" and "Cellar". <br />Recommends that these dEli'initions be the same as those contained <br />in the Building Code. (Definitions on pages 1-3 and 1-5 of <br />Proposed Zoning Ordinance to remain .as written), <br />.2. Aesthetics . '_~ _. _, <br />.~ Proposed the_ following language be" substltutec(for the <br />~ second & third sentences of 13 on pa~e 3~9: <br />.-nTne-'prO'po.s,}.:1 desr'~,;5cile, missin.g, material" height !lnd <br />other aspects of the subject matter of any permit requested <br />hereunder shall be evaluated by the Planning Commission and <br />the Counci I with res~ect to structures and properties in the <br />surrounding area. To this end, the Planning Commission <br />and the Counci I shall consider, prior to the issuance of any <br />permit hereunder, whether the appearance of the subject matter <br />Is so at variance with the structures and properties in the <br />surrounding area as to cause a substantial depreciation in <br />the property values in the surrounding area or to unreasonably <br />detract from the appearance of the area or the City as a whole." <br /> <br />-2- <br />