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<br /> . <br /> Ninutes of Regular Council Meeting Sept. 28, 1981 <br /> Case No. 81-23, P_~..!.!.E'J3_ary_!la t_~..f...!:.r.~~_~Oa.~--",-_a.E'.~r~.'i.~~,s t to <br /> Install Improvemen ts and Vacate Streets <br /> Council was referred to Planning Memo (9-23-81) and Council was <br /> referred to the revised Pre limin a ry Plat of Arden Oaks incorporat- <br /> ing the modifications req ue s t e d by Council: <br /> 1. A 1.5 acre park in B lock 3. <br /> 2 . A turn-around easement on Lot 21, Block 3, and <br /> 3. Hodification of road alignment to eliminate sliver <br /> of 1 and extending south from Lot 2 , Block 2. <br /> Af te r review of the planning COmments and d i s C us R i on , Johnson <br /> moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council app rove the Preliminary <br /> Plat of Arden Oaks (9-24-81 revised) as submitted, subject to: <br /> 1. Comments of the ri to' Planner (m[!mo of 9-28-81) . <br /> 2. Approval of Ci to' Attorney <br /> 3. Final grading plan approval by the City Engineer <br /> 4. Vacation of previously platted streets as nec2ssary. <br /> Notion carried unanimously (5-0) . <br /> llcNiesh reported receipt of Petition from lOa? of property owners <br /> of Arden Oaks On September 14th reque.s ting City installation of <br /> streets and utilities. It was noted that the feasibility study <br /> will include more than P rden Oaks in o rde r to bring uti li ties to <br /> the plat. <br /> In discussion, it Has noted th a t authorizing preparation of the <br /> feasibility study is a cODlmitment that Council intends to proceed. <br /> Ch ri s tof fe rsen s ug ge s te d th a t the Ci to' en te r into fin agreement with <br /> the developer th at developer will pay engineering,legal etc. eos ts, <br /> if he does not pursue the project. Lauphinghouse referred Council <br /> to letter (9-25-81) offering to reimburse the Ci to' for expenses <br /> necessary to process the A,rden Oaks plat. <br /> Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Hingert, th a t round,l ndop t P2 s- <br /> olution No. 81-68, ilLT)lORIZHH; PFEP/,Ft,TION OF TIlL FEASIBILITY <br /> Sn'DY FOR n;p paVE VENT 81-3 (up to and including Arden Oaks) . <br /> Motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> (Engineer and pttorney to draft a developer's agreBT!len t for <br /> Council's consideration.) <br /> 1982 Budget <br /> Cbairman Torn Eulcahy referre.d Council to the recommendations of <br /> the Finance Committee relative to the proposed 1982 Budget (I'in- <br /> utes of Finance Committee ~'e"ting of 9-10-81) and noted the sup- <br /> gested changes on transparencies of Sumrr,aries of Expenditure) <br /> Fevenue and ~'e ans of Financing the 1982 Budget. <br /> Hulcahy noted tha t the> budge t. as proposed, t'cpr.e.sen ts an [) ~: in- <br /> ere as e over 1980 expenditures which results in an estimated 8.324 <br /> mi 11 levy. <br /> Council expressed its appreciation to Chairman }fulcahy and the . <br /> Finance Committee for their work an(l recommendations. <br /> Cse of Fed,eral Pe ven ue Sharinr, Funds <br /> .-....-"-.-, <br /> HcAllister moved) seconded by llollenhorst th at Council approve <br /> the Cse of Federal revenue Sharing Funds as revised and recommended <br /> by the Fin ance Commi t tee, as follows: <br /> Ordinance Cadi fi ca ti on $ 600 <br /> Government Buildings 4,500 <br /> Public Safety Car Replacement 7,000 <br /> Pub 11 c Works) t--rfscellaneous Equipment 7,600 <br /> Parks, Ground l-!aster and o th e r ~Jiscellaneous 12,665 <br /> Niscellaneous Equipment <br /> Park s . Summer PI ayground Program 6,480 <br /> Park s , Skating Pinks _---2.....!22.- <br /> $44,000 <br /> Hotion carried unanimously. <br /> -11- <br />