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<br /> , > '~ 28, 1981 <br /> }linutes of Regular Council Heeting Sept. <br /> Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Wingert, tha t Council a do p t Res- <br /> -~ <br /> olution Nos. 81-62, APPROVINe snls OF }'ONEY T0 nE LEVIED FOF <br /> LEVY YEAR 1981, PAYABLE 1982, AND Al'ENDING LEVY FOR HIP POVEHENT <br /> BONDS. Hotion carried unanimously. <br /> Hol1enhors t move d , seconded by Hingert, th at Council adopt~~ <br /> olution No. 81-63, CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSt'ENTS FOR DELINQUENT <br /> SEWE RAND WATER ACCOUNTS TO RA}'SE Y COUNTY FOR COLLECTION WITII <br /> T AXE S ; <br /> Resolution No. 81-64, CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSHENT INSTALLMENT <br /> OF tlUNICIPAL WATER CONNECTIONS TO RAHSEY COUNTY FOP COLLECTION <br /> WITH TAXES; <br /> . Re s 01 u t ion NO. 81-~~ CEPTIFYINC SPECIAL AS SF S St,r.N T INSTALLNENT <br /> FOR DISEASED TREE REHOVAL TO RAHSEY COrl'iTY FOR COLLECTION WITH <br /> T AXE S. <br /> Hotion carried unan imous ly. <br /> }'otorola Tower. - Strobe_-'"1.!Lhting <br /> Harty Nelson, t10toro1a District SuperviRor, said he considers the <br /> strobe ligh t s to be fairly sub t Ie and not very obtrusive. Council's <br /> concensus was as follows: <br /> 1. Unde rs toad th" t the lights would be visibl" from a <br /> distanc.e, but would not be seen at all at clOSe range; <br /> surprised to see the ligh t helow the louvers. <br /> 2 . Experience reflection phenomena tha t n?sembles li 1',h t- <br /> ning in various portions of the sky; light appears <br /> to bounce off the clouds. <br /> 3 . Lights are bri1'hter than though t thev would be. <br /> 4 . Lights are distracting from hi 1'rmays 694 an d 88 ; a180 <br /> from Snelling AVE. and County Poad F. <br /> 5. Reflectivity \0) as de. s c ri h e d as up; it aprears to be out- <br /> ward. <br /> Nelson explained tha t the strobe 1 i1'h ts are rE qui re d by FAA; noted <br /> that they are louvered as follo"is: <br /> 240' level at 40 from horizontal <br /> 460 . level at 10 from horizontal <br /> 700 ' (top) horizontal <br /> Pictures of the b~acons and louvers '-'7E:. re vi e't<:re d ; noted tha t the <br /> louvers are small in respect to the li gh t ~ource. <br /> N e 1 s on said he ;:ill ch~ck ".i th the manufacturer to see. ;:hat can <br /> be done to l1'odify the lights, vithin legal limits; doesn't l;an t <br /> the lights to be distracting to anyone; advised tha t the security <br /> fen ce is scheduled to be ins taIled at tne base of the tower th is <br /> week. <br /> . Park De d i c a!=i ~Tl_ ~_2~".t~~_r!_ <br /> A. !-fotorola Toper - Vcf.llistpr reported th at, in accordance ,.,i th <br /> the Park(;';mmi'i:'tee's recommendation, I'!r ~ Vaughan has a g re" d to <br /> dedicate a 1.885 acre park to the Ci ty as diagramed by Park 8 ri- <br /> re c tor Btlckley. (Pttachment to J'uckley's m~mo of 9-11-81) . <br /> NcAllister mo ve d , secondcn by pollenhorst, tha t Council <br /> the 1. 885 acres as full satisfaction of the Motorola TOHc.r park <br /> dedication r3qui remen t, subject to Ci ty Attorney's approval of <br /> deed. }totion carried un an imous ly (5-0) . <br /> E. McClung Second Addition-reported thst the second addi t ion, <br /> comprises 2.76 acres; at $8,OOO/acre, the park dedication would be <br /> $2,208.00. <br /> -5- <br />