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<br />-5- <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> <br />Septe..ber 8, 1980 <br /> <br />After discussion, Hanson moved to declare the wall, in its present <br />state, a safety hazard which should be ..odified to correct the situ- <br />ation. Motion was seconded by Wingert. <br /> <br />In further discussion, Council, suggested that the County and Carroll <br />renegotiate the grading and wall in exchange for sale of the lot to <br />Carroll's. <br /> <br />It was noted that it is the intent of Council to find a solution which <br />will relieve the sight line proble.. at County Rd. D .nd .lso improve <br />s.fety for the C.rroll property .ccess .nd egress; intent is to relieve <br />the difficulties .nd give Carrol Is . solution to their problem. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion Hanson snd Wingert withdrew the motion .nd second. <br /> <br />Woodburn moved seconded by Wingert, th.t Council grant the necessary <br />v.riances to construct. 20' x 22' as per sketch submitted, with <br />the assumption th.t it be loc.ted 5 feet from the west property line; <br />front setbsck to be th.t necess.ry for construction of . 20' x 22' g.rage, <br />contingent upon: <br /> <br />1. Carroll's obt.ining the subject land from the County, <br />2. Gr.nting of slope ease..ent to the County for i..provement of <br />the line of sight fro.. County Road D, <br />3. Reloc.tion of utility lines. <br /> <br />Crichton moved to amend the ..otion to .dd a fourth contingency: <br /> <br />4. Acceptance of modification of slope ease..ent by the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />A..end..ent was .ccepted by Woodburn and Wingert, and ..otion, as .mended, <br />carried unani..ously. <br /> <br />Wingert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council adopt Resolution No. <br />80-46, Requesting Ramsey County to place the excess right-of-way for <br />public sale. Motion c.rried <br /> <br />(Attorney Lynden to dr.ft Resolution) <br /> <br />Reverend Rodney Lensch, neighbor to the north of Csrrolls, he is <br />.lso concerned with his .ccess onto Lexington, but unfortun.tely h.s no <br />.ltern.tive; .ppe.led to the residents, in Christi.n love .nd hu...n <br />decencli to be re.sonsble; he feels Council is trying to be re.son- <br />able; noticed that the v.lue of the C.rroll property should .lso be <br />of concern. <br /> <br /> No. 78-5 Bethel College - Special Use Permit <br />H.nson referred Council to reference m.teri.l received rel.tive to the <br />Bethel College Speci.l Use Permit, including the suggested conditions <br />for .tt.chment thereto by Planner Miller .nd reco....ended by <br />the Pl.nning COm..ission. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In discussion, Lissner (Bethel College) reported th.t their go. 1 <br />for on-ca..pus college residents is 2/3 - 70% of the student body; <br />102 .p.rt..ents; Lissner . ..aximum .nticipated enroll..ent <br />would be 500-Se..inary and 2,250 to 2,300 college residents (2800 body <br />count). In 1980-1981 totsl body count is 2,000"" (850 college residents, <br />800 ..ore in owned or le.sed apart..ent fscilities and 405-410 (body count) <br />in .part..ents. <br /> <br />H.nson ..oved, seconded by Crichton, that Council approve the .ddition <br />of the conditions of the Bethel College Speci.l Use .s recommended <br />~ the Pl.nning.Co....iss!Pn.. ~otion 5.rried un.nim~~. <br />t'J:l~ de.d<-utzhAJ ):e./.~ Z;; <ft.e/ e,y.-7~ _ <br />(Mayor Crepe.u left the ..eeting). <br />