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<br />~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />i'Hnutes of Special Coune! I Meei"ing <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />August 18, 1980 <br /> <br />Mr. Earl Morgan, presented a sl~~Ch of the re-aligned Lexington Avenu~ and County Road <br />o intersection, Indicating a sIght line and recommended sight line minImums and <br />stopping distances at 30 mph and 40 mph speeds; noted that his calculations Indicate <br />that a car traveling at SO mph will cover 300 feet In 4 se,conds (at 40 mph In 5.1 <br />seconds>. <br /> <br />Tom laNasa said he studied the corner, appears to be no difference If a garage Is <br />there or not; feels the real problem is the retaining wall. <br /> <br />Mrs. ~oOrgan said one problem Is being removed and another problem Is b,.lng created <br />If garage is constructed. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Resident on Shol-ellne suggested that Carrol Is consider enlarging their existing <br />garage and create a horseshoe drive and turn-around area. <br /> <br />Mrs. Carrol! said there Isn't sufficient space; problem is backing on'lo Lexington. <br /> <br />Weltzln explained that the proposed garage Is behind the sight line. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hardy asked why a garage Is needed; If a driveway to County Road 0 Is desired, <br />"I'lne, but does not see why a garage is necessary that wI i I hInder the sllfety for <br />the residents on COllnty Road 0 and Shoreline. <br /> <br />Mr. Cllrro! I said he does not feel that removal of his existing drive alld cons'tructlon <br />of a new garage as proposed, will be a sight line problem; currently, ClrS parked <br />. on his driveway could cause a hindrance; existing drive will have IS% grade; snow <br />piles at his ex~stlng drive will create a sight line problem; If driveway Is to <br />County Road 0, these situations wou~d be alleviated. <br /> <br />Mrs. B.timberry sa ld ther',. wi II be a high bank on County Roe.d D at thE' proposed <br />driveway and her property line - also a sight problem. <br /> <br />It was noted by Weltz'n that additional concreta will have to be removed from.the <br />oldstlnq Carroll driveway; about a 15% slope wIll result; similar sltu,~tlon to <br />that at the house next door to the north; County Is encouraging turn-arounds on <br />the Lexington Avenue properties where feasible; noted that the contractor has been <br />requasted to "hold off" on the drive pending Council's decision; wants to cooperate <br />with evaryone; September 15th is the project completion date; traffic en::1ineer <br />does not see a sight dIstance problem here. <br /> <br />, <br />Hanson noted thai" City or'd i nance does not requ I re peop I e to have garages; persona I <br />needs are not a compel I Ing reason for granting a variance. <br /> <br />Carroll explained thllt his concern Is for sa"fety of his fElmlly and also for the <br />vaiue of his property; does not intend to create a parking lot out of what remains <br />of his front yard; is concerned that tha variance requestod, In order to construct <br />a garag'3 with safe access to County Road D. Is not going i'o result In a safety <br />problem fOl" others. <br /> <br />Mrs. Ca~roi I said '1'he propo~,a! is considered to be a ",.asc.nable solution to solve <br />il diiijgii~"'O\JS sitw~-;- ~cn. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />\~lng3rt said he Is comfortable \1lth the sight line, which does not appear to be <br />a probl,~m, but other thIngs should be considered; noted that Carrol Is have a <br />safety Goncern for their existing driveway which would be alleviated if access <br />can be ~rovlded to County Road D; would I fka to work with them and grant a <br />varlanc3; do not kno\1 if 32' variance Is roasonable. it \'16S noted that an alternate <br />proposal, suggested by the Planner, Is not possible unless the land acquired by <br />"~he CoUlty Is sold to Carrol Is. <br /> <br />\~oodbur:l agreed that there is no sight line problem, but has a problem with the <br />amount of variance; noted a val"lance of thi s magn l'tude ha,; not been granted before, <br />to hIs ,{nowledge. <br /> <br />Wingert said he feels there Is ground for some variance; would like to pursue some <br />manner of I-edUCing the varlcmcll. <br /> <br />Woodburn moved to not approve the variance requested; seconded by Wlnger't. <br /> <br />-"-- <br />