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<br />:M,inu.tes of R{;j1U ,'1: ',::ourL:::Ll t:-e~l:.nE <br />P ij,ge four <br /> <br />Al.igU3l: 11, 1980 <br /> <br />~il1er reported thac tba ?lSDuiug Comm19sion recnmmends acceptance of <br />the concept 02 r,o' I:lle (ir:l.veMay to Cocnty Roed D, but desired Qore <br />information froln:he County Engineer befcre making a recommendation <br />relative to the p~aposed Dew garage. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that some r.o.w. was purchased by the County some years <br />ago, when improvement of Lexington was contemplated, which reduced the <br />applicant's front yard. Mrs. Carroll said the County prefers to give <br />an easemen.t mrer the County lot for a driveway to County Road D,rath!l.r~# <br />than sell: reported that Engineer We1tzin is not concerned about the~- <br />line with propq""i t;d:age location because of the chanle in the road <br />alignment; reported that, accordinl to Weltzin, garage as proposed will <br />be 5 feet higher than finished County Road D, which is a 10% grade and <br />perfectly acceptable. Mra. Carroll said they plan to replace the hedle <br />which was removed during the cODstruetlon proeess; hedre ~111 hel~ <br />screen the garage. <br /> <br />Mrs. Carroll said tbe curb, will be ~ along Lexiulton in 5 to 10 days: <br />County will eliminete cut for their existing driveway, whicb will be <br />very steep, if approval is granted to relocate larage with access to <br />County Road D: said they would concur with depressing garage floor, <br />as recom.ended, if required. <br /> <br />Hrs. Bamberry, County Road D, said the new garage as proposed would <br />cause a ssfety bazard for residents on County Road D and Shoreline Lane, <br />enterinl Lexinlton. <br /> <br />Hr.. Carroll Baid there will be 16' between the garage and the curb: <br />Pl.nniul Co..i.sion feels driveway would be better on D than on Lexinl- <br />ton - only concern was grade informatioo from County Engineer; County <br />EDlineer feels our proposal is "supern. <br /> <br />Dorothy Rardy, Shoreline Lane, said the larage will cause a eafety <br />hazard for accees to Lexinlton fro. D; people would object to this <br />setback variance for ae if I wented to axtend my garage to the front. <br /> <br />Resident liviol on Shoreline Lane said now we'll have a garage to <br />block our viev; this already danlerous corner will continue to be e <br />dangerous corner; .eny tiae. we cannot make a left tnrn ooto Lexinlton. <br /> <br />Hrs. Cerroll said they have difficulty backillg out onto Lexington. <br />Miller ackoowledled that the turniol radius ,,__ current d veway - aod <br />turn-around area is difficult: with car parked in turn area, it would <br />be neces.ary to back onto Lexington. <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that the hi~l is the problem oow: .~ linea after <br />gradinl are unknown: suggested garage location be staked so Council <br />can aee if garage will encroach on site linee. <br /> <br />Crichton concurred that if Council can enable an access to County Road D, <br />without impacting tbe situation for residents on Couoty Road D and <br />Shoreline Lane, Council sbould really take a look. Wingert noted that <br />tbe Lexington Avenue project bas created a hardship for the Carroll <br />property which should be alleviated, if possible. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bob Weaalund, Shoreline Lane. said the real interest is "aafety"; not <br />rilbt to take care of one and not others involved: we'll be in tbe same <br />position aa before if this garage is permitted. <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that there ia an alternate road access to Lexington <br />fro. Couoty Road D through the park. Mrs. Hardy said tbe County wcn't <br />.aintain tbat road; feels it would be better to not have this traffic <br />on our atreet. <br /> <br />Resident living on Shoreline Lane, asked vl!at\.,the Test of the people <br />will do along Lexington Avenue for driveway" aCl:ess.' It was noted that <br />.1;,4:1,s Pc",r~i~,uI8r property baa a peculiar si tuat:l.on as - the resul t (If <br />'i..l~ID..Dt of the road. <br /> <br />Mrs. Ca rroll ag. reed to.have proposed ga;r!J'!..t 1..OC8 1:1.on <br />can sea vbe-tber "IlQrage will encJ:oaFh on ~lines, <br />action to Special Council Meatinl of August 18th. <br /> <br />staked 80 Council <br />Council <br /> <br />-4- <br />