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<br />Yinutes of Gouncil ~ic(,tiug <br />r ~.g,;;: five <br /> <br />August 11. 1981) <br /> <br />Case No. 80-?J~.t-.!.~;.iauc!,__~~_j"Ya"e - AU.!.!:..!!. PhiH.pson. 1548 West Arden <br />Place <br />Council vas r,'~f.srtl!d to Pl.tu.ner's repoorE of 7-~9-80 aod to Board of <br />Appeals (8-6-80) and 'lannirg Commissiun (8-6-80) recommendations. <br /> <br />Miller noted tnat all homes along this street encroach upon the front <br />setbacks as they ar~ conetrLcted; actulll request of applicant is a <br />setback of 19' - :W' (a 20' to 21' v' Hiller reported that <br />the Planning Comlll:lssion Iec:cnllllenda thaI: .' ",,":"lance be granted up to <br />the average existi~g setback of the tva properties to the east of the <br />Philipson property whicb would crea~ 3etback uniformity. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Wingert moved, secunded by llnnllon, that: Council al'prove a front setback <br />variance of 20 feu\:. <br /> <br />In further diacu8niou, it wa~ noted this woald permit a 22' x 24' garage. <br />Crichton queried ~he reason for grantiDg the variance. Crepeau ex- <br />plained that ehe lot drops sharply to . lagoon in tbe rear; no choice <br />but to locate boues aa it is; hardship is tbe Gteep drop of lot in the <br />rear. <br /> <br />Crichton said he doe a not ee~ that uniformity ie a reason for approval <br />ot a variance. <br /> <br />Hotion carried (W;Lnsert, Henson" WoodlHr.!:.... Crel'aau voting :10 tavore of <br />the motion; CrlchCon voting In opposition). <br /> <br />Case No. 80-32~1.:1ancU~ Sign - L.ittle Cbrfcetians Nureery Scho~.!,. <br />J245 N.~__Brighto~oad <br />Hiller referred Council to sketch of proposed 4' x J' sign which would <br />identify tbe nUKs~ry Bcbool within Trlaity Lutheran Church; noted that <br />olgn ia sbowa at 21 feet fro~ New Brighton Road (25'seCbeck required). <br /> <br />Council waa ref cEred to r~comma~datiDus of BaBrd of Appeals (8-6-80) <br />ll!3.d Planning Commi,s ~:i.on (8-6-80). <br /> <br />After diB~uaslon. Cricbton 1110'1.., .ecaudad by Wiagert, that Council <br />authorize the canstructioa aad locatiDu af the aign as modified by <br />the Planning COVil\1isfJion;; <br /> <br />1. Sign tu b. fra..a aad done in Bubdued colors, as epproved by <br />tbe City 'lanner, <br />Z. Sign 18 setback 25' feom property lins. <br />3. Size of BIln be .11D~~d to lncrea~. by 10" tD accDmmodate frame. <br />4. J:onstructicn of slg~ to be of mor~ durable con8t~'!ctiou <br />'th aD :~roi'o[Je d. <br /> <br />for a per:lod (,1' <br />r,~lative .to th<a <br />.tllis loci1itiou. <br /> <br />o~e yeas:: in order to det~rmin8 noighborhood in-put <br />sign and to jeterrnine whether eign is appropriate 1~ <br />Motion carri!d UDQDirucusl1~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Case No.. ~,O-8 r:. l,sljdu ca:v:[:: '?la..:l{iEprovf;,:l, en,'j, f;o~~~\_""l!<.;~~1:i.,~~,n::, Ave;~ue <br />Warehouse ;:-RQb~, IJ~7Lu,,(- (i[If ~C'o.E_~t l:ur...::.fouO['---..----- . <br />Miller reported receipt of a elightly revised la8dB,ape plan wbich <br />pEDvides additionsl plan'i"I' along the long pErking eres, a. suggesced; <br />bond is elJt1mst~d. @ $16,.690.)0. (COB\: or pl..mtiz,;<:a and s<ld/f'Jeed :i.a <br />eBtimated @ $13.352 x 1251 - $16,6S0.00) <br /> <br />Woodburn llove~ thet Couucil ~P?rove the lsndscL96 plan <br />the additional p1snting8 Eaq~.nt.d b, Plaaner Rill.~. <br />by Wingert and cerried,. <br /> <br />aud bond., ",ith <br />MD~lou was seconded <br /> <br />OUller nated that if e l"'H!;lcnp'" .8ti~Ult~ ie I'H,,:d.vElcl. bOlld I.lIilOUflt <br />can be adjusted ~ccDrdi~ll,.1 <br /> <br />'l'op08ed HIgn Or,~"!!;:!:~> <br />Miller reported thst tha ~1~~D1n. CaBmiae1o~ r.ccmm.ncie CD.~cl1 8pprDv~1 <br />cf the Sign Ordh,&nce as dr,,,:'tnd (dai;'jd rnceived 7-14-80);; ,101:0() that <br />a public heariol ie not rBqa~rnd, bue caD be b.l~ if Council dHBiTI.lB. <br />Killer said he wocld prcfa~ :0 bmve ecma "}f tbe sign cDmmittee present <br />when ordinance is dlecue8ed~ <br /> <br />AI' te:r discuss inn. C.. leh ton "''lV'''! to "ched:.ile uo'dt sellS! ans an '''IgllS t: lBth <br />aad 25th mud a Public He~~inG CD tbe Slla Ordinance oa Scpe.nber 8th at <br />