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<br />Minutes of Regula~ Council Meeting <br />Page seyen <br /> <br />August 11. 1980 <br /> <br />August 31st - $100,000 @ 6.;75% interest at First National Bank, St. <br />Paul, to mature on ~anuary 27, 1981. <br /> <br />Crich ton moyed, 8<3ccnded by HauBon., that Council ratify the Treasure r' s <br />report. Motion carried unarimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK A))HINISTRATCIl CHARLOTTE !'.CNIESll <br /> <br />Storage Building Appraisals <br />Council was refer.ed to two appraiaals received from Real Estate <br />Maaters and ~ohanl1a Realty. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />After discu8",ion >:e zoning B.ud pos"'ible uses pendtted in the residential <br />district, Council concurred thst the property be offered to the Lake <br />Jobanaa Volunteer Fire Depertment at a coat of $19,000; noting tbat a <br />Special Uae Permit is needed for "Public Uee8". <br /> <br />Insurance Con8ultant <br />McNi8ab reported that Mr. Pset hes sgreed to review and evaluate General <br />Iaaurance bids at a cost of $600-$800; includes written report doe. not <br />include attending Council meetings. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert. that Council authoria8 tbe hiring <br />of Mr. Peet as insurance cODsultant @ $600-$800. Motion carri8d unani- <br />mously. <br /> <br />Claims aDd 'ayrol~ <br />Banson moyed, seconded <br />'ayroll .s sub.itted. <br /> <br />by Wiugert. that Council approve the Clai.s and <br />Kotion carried unaniaously. <br /> <br />Buckley Re Summer PlaYlround Program Staff Treat Expense <br />Council discussed the City's policy re expenditure of funds prior to <br />Council authoriwation; concurred that tbeee expenditures be autboriaed <br />before ratber than after the fact. <br /> <br />'etty Cas!tl ruud <br />McNiesh requested euthoriaetiou to continue "for general purposes" the <br />$15.00 petty cash fuud which wae originally insU.tuted for 'arks Play- <br />ground purposes during the <br /> <br />Council concurred that Clerk Adminietrator continue to adm1nister the <br />petty cash fund for seneral purposes, 8S requested. <br /> <br />Blection Judges Approva! <br />Woodburn lloved. eecouded by Haneoo, ttu.t Coun cil approve the lis t of <br />Election Judges, 6'" submitted. Kotion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />!.ams.y CO'llnty Public Waters !nven.tory. Public Information Meeting <br />Council c,oncurred that Planning Commission Chairman Lynch be~ requested <br />to attend the meeting ou August 25th on bahalf of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Special Attorney/Council Keeti!!. <br />A closed ~eetins ~.s scheduled On Monday, August 25th with Attorney <br />Lyndan at 1:00 p.m. to discuss pending litigatlon. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Adj ournmel!.!. <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Cricbton, that <br />11:16 p.m. Motion carried una~imously. <br /> <br /> <br />~~, <br /> <br />Charlotte Heli8sh <br />Clerk Ad_inistrator <br /> <br />Notic. of Maetinge: <br /> <br />August 18th - 1,30 p.m. - Spseial Council Meeting. <br />AUiust 25th - 1:00 p.m. - Closed Council ~eeting. <br />August 25th - 7:30 p.m. - Regular Council Meeting. <br /> <br />-7- <br />