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<br />'110u1:es of Reg"::,",: Gou",,~iJ ~"2et::ng <br />Page six <br /> <br />August 11, 1980 <br /> <br />3:30 p.m. at Ehe VilLage Eall. <br /> <br />Motion vas silcotld,,6 by Wingert <Iud carz:i.ed "tlanirNusly. <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINES:; <br /> <br />Case No.. Z7-~__~_J{e(2e;3t to_ Va~at€: Ped~38trian lJa.y u Karth Lake. E.9ta~:;e!..L <br />Marcel Bibeas teirw. r <br />Council "'''8 re{en:;~'G to plat of l<arth Leite Estates indicating the <br />walkway easement ~7er the utility easement froD Karth Lake Circle to <br />Nursery Hill Lane, instead of ae originally depicted Crossing lots 12 <br />aud ...iA <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Crichton ~oved, 6cconded by Ban.on, tbat CouDcil approve vacation of <br />the existing walkvay easement subject to filing of appropriate dQcu- <br />m~Dts for walkway ~em~mcut ag ?resented ou 918t {dated 8/11/80). <br />Hotion cerried UD'H1.iIllO" <br /> <br />Northwestern Col1~ge Special_~~rllli: and Land~cape Bond <br />Council w~s referred to draft af Special Use Perait and McNlesh advised <br />of items ';rhich !lAC pending p1'1-:)1(' to issuance of n Building Parmit. which <br />~"cludea approval of plans by Fire Chief and City Engineer and receipt <br />o.f landscape bond. It was sllg,gegted that landscape bond could be tied <br />to occupancy. 1'l2th~" than the Building Permit. <br /> <br />Ia di8cu8~ion of tbe FiEe Chief's requirement tbat th~ entire building <br />be sprinkled ufor ssfety reasons" before grantins plan approval, It <br />was sugge!Jted tl:wt. McNiesl> advise Regnier of thi& requirement. <br /> <br />Crichton moved. cEconded by ~oodburn, that CouDcil authorize execution <br />of. the SpBcial Uce Perlllit as s~baitted, a~d eet the landscape bond <br />a~ $38,47.';, to b€, Hubmi I: t.ed pr:tor to bui Idlng OCCUP&l1oy. Ho tioD carried <br /> <br /> <br />League of Min~~~~_Cltie8.: <br />Opiu:t~1l..O;,'ye)7 re I,eaguL.'Hfi"e Building Fi!,&ncitlll.. <br />McHicab repo~ted A,den 3i1l&' dueu are to be $2,110 Dext year, <br />based OD preliminary 1980 CCUell& ligare of 7924 people. <br /> <br />HanSOD moved that Council favor the #1 paym~nt option. Motion <br />was secoude~ hy WiLg~rt. <br /> <br />In discussiDn, it vas Doted tbst thia p.yme&E option decision does <br />not conatitutu a cammit~aDt by cbe City. R~Niest said it is her <br />unde::stand.itl\8 that Cil3 iloard t~111. go withe!:e majcrit,. and w1.1l <br />treat all cities slite; building cost to Arden Hills would be <br />$4,220 (2 ~ ~21l0 OU0S). <br /> <br />Motion carried (HODson, Wingert, Cr.aeau vatlag in favor of the <br />motion; Crichton BDd Woodburn voting ia Dp}oslt1DU). <br /> <br />Lo c al_l!..2!'=!.!.!;~'.!l~.~.12:~I2....2t_~/1L!lP.&1l. aj A~~ </~<;/--;k:e dd: .J- <br />Coull':il C.(lIt(\'H:red t.hs.t,::o"ucil e"CO'Ei1g~~t ciugA,.A:l ,",cip'ients...{vcZu-0 <br />equally and that there be a provision for levy limits to be adjusted <br />if necessary. <br /> <br />. P 1!.!!:L~~~..t: <br />lI..JU>L!JV '!!..&. .!iE':i a r" 1..q}i.:~~<t.:;;, 1: e n It is I" s tlZ~} ex. <br />Hanson mcved~ eeconded 111 Wingert~ t~at C01JDcil approve tlte <br />hiring of ae..rd L.Vand a~ rennl, ID~tructDr . $7.50 per etudaDt. <br />Hotim;, Ciut'j,eLl Ull.fH"i i,uQ'JG 1:" <br /> <br />liJ!..U.!' !rll.LJ!.L J, c, f f Sb.l f.L~.L"::..J> "l\I!!!:,!:",!:~~.!" i 2~E!,.!!~~,-e E~J:l.!J }'.'" !!. <br />Hallam, movel!, i!ecor>ded hf Wil1l\ert, tr",t Co',,,,,,U. ',<I,thoti:~e the <br />hiriag of Jeff Shaffer u. a sumner part IDBiateannce e~ployee @ $3.10 <br />per hour fram August 11th to August 19tb .8 per Fuckley meRO of <br />8/11/80. Matio~ curriad un.Dimoa~l7. <br /> <br />UPOR'l" OF 'ULLAGE 'i'!':EASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />I1""e. ElIlen ts <br />Al'gust 30th <br /> <br />$IOO,QOD @ 8.65% B~ Fir.. NatioDal Bank, St. Pa~l. <br />to mstarB on J0gUa~y 26, 1901. <br /> <br />.,6- <br />