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<br />Minutes of Regul~r Council Meeting <br />Page Five <br /> <br />June 30, 1980 <br /> <br />B. ~orking Foreman <br /> <br />Cauncil authorized Johansen to post opening for a <br />W~rking Foreman and accept applications. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />c. Public Works Employees on Extended Sick Lesve <br /> <br />Council, after discussion, concurred that the Public Works <br />Department does not have "light duty" job categories; prior <br />to return ,to full-time duty, employee is required to obtain <br />written certification by a medical doctor tha.t full-t~" <br />ra..lar 4.C1 caa .. ~..... <br />. <br />....-U In ~.UU.. U~. -_~---. I..~Y""'. '.'i' 1'& ..8 <br />le_d~. was nnrred to an on-street parkiag situation at Johaana <br />Boulevarel aDel County !.oad 1 at Tony Sch.idt Parlt, which is consielered <br />a safety hazard by Ra.sey Couaty Sheriff Depart_at, aad Public Safety <br />Co_ittee. <br /> <br />After eliscussion, Woodburn .oved, seconeled by Crichton, that the <br />Couacil request Ra.sey County to iastall "No parlting" sigas prohibiting <br />parlting along aorth side of Lalte Johanna Boulevard fro. approxi.ately <br />lSO' of Couaty Road I, and along the aorth side of County Road 1 <br />fro. Johaana Blvd. to New Brighton Road. Motion carried unani.oualy. <br /> <br />Parlts aad Recreatioa Co_i ttee aeco._adatiolls re Propoaed Vae <br />of NorthwestemC_llege Facilities <br />Hallson reported that the Parlts Co_ittee rec...eads that the use of <br />college facilities (Bethel aad Northwesterll Colleges) _t be included <br />in the Long aange Parlt Plan; feels City caaaot clepead on these .ses <br />siace they are only available,wbe~ aot utilized by the colleges. <br /> <br />Woodburn .oved, seconded by Haasoa, that Council approve the Agree.ellt <br />between Northwestern Coll_ge aad tBe City of Arden Hills sub.itted <br />with Hr. aegnier's letter of 6/30/80 as a_nded by Council aad aath~_ <br />ize exec.tioa thew..f. Boti.. .arr1.. ~..IF~ <br /> <br />-, ------- --- --------- --------- <br /> <br />....- ---- <br /> <br />~-..--- ----.---..JI <br /> <br />Ca~le r9 Meeting of June 24th <br />(See Attorney Lynden's Report) <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER <br /> <br />Investment <br />$200,000 at Northwestern Bank, St. Paul at 7.8% interest to <br />mature on 9/15/80. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Hanson, to ratify the investment as <br />reported by Tressurer Lamb. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE McNIESH <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1980 Hall ~nt - RCWD <br />McNiesh reported that current rent charged for RCWD use of hall, 2 <br />meetings a mont~ is $200/year. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council modify the rental <br />charge to $10.00/meeting. Motion did not carry (Crichton, Woodburn <br />voting in favor; Hanson, Crepeau voting in opposition). <br /> <br />Hanson moved that Council continue the rent at $200/year. Motion <br />was seconded by Crichton. Motion did not carry (Hanson, Crepeau <br />voting in favor of the motion; Crichton, Woodburn voting in opposition). <br /> <br />Crepe~u st~ted rent would remain at $200/year. <br /> <br />Case No. 80-19, McClung's Second Addition <br />Schedule Public Hearing <br />Hanson moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council schedule a Public <br />Hearing be,rore the Planning Commission on Wednesday, July 2, 1980, <br />at 8:00 p.,o. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />-5- <br />