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<br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Pag3 'rwe> <br /> <br />May 27,1980 <br /> <br />After discussion, Woodburn was requested to obtain information <br />relative to insuections, fees charged, etc. from State Fire Marshal <br />and Fire Chief,. and to refer to Public Safety Committee for its <br />recommendations to Council. <br /> <br />Public Hearing - 8:00 p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. ~ <br />Mayor Crepeau opened the Public Hearing at 8:00 p,m, <br /> <br />McNiesh verified that the Notice of Hearing ~8a published in the <br />New Brighton Bulletin on May 15, 1980, <br /> <br />Plsnner Miller e~plained that the proposed amendm~nt would permit <br />colleges in residential districts R-l through R-4 and in business <br />districts B-1 aud B-2 with a Planned Unit Development Permit; re~ <br />ferred Council to listed uses within these districts (Land Use <br />Chart); expl~ined thst if amendment is approved, both e~isting <br />coll.gms would be conforming in the districts in whieh they are <br />located (Northwestern in R-l and Bethel in B-1); Land Use Chart <br />would be amended by inserting a letter "D" in R-l, R-2, 1l.-3, R-4, <br />a-I and B-2 Zoning Districts (Land Use Chart). <br /> <br />McNiesh reported that no written comments have been received rela- <br />tive to the proposed ordinance amendment. <br /> <br />~stion6 frem the F~ <br />Crichton Bsked the difference between a Special Use Permit and a <br />Planned Unit Development Permit. <br /> <br />Miller explained that they are similar; ~onaiders PUD a more thorough <br />review which is more demanding upon the applicant, conditions can <br />be created and developer can take advantage of innovative planning <br />techniques; permits more flexible planning that a Special Use Permit <br />(SUP); places the burden of proof on the applicant. <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that the reasons for approval or denial would be <br />similar; based on facts presented in either case, <br /> <br />Hanson said he is not sure the PUD permit has performed the service <br />described for the City in the paat; it eliminates the setbacks <br />which thC/l Planning Commi8sion has worked ha::d to establish. Hanson <br />referred to a former proposal by Win~ert; aaked if that i8 to be <br />considered also, or forgotten. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission recommended disapproval <br />of the Education District concept; felt colleges can b. adequately <br />contrDlled in Residential/Euainess Distr(ct~. Miller the Notice <br />W8S published to permit colleges in Residential and Business Districts <br />(a-I tbrough R-4 and B-1 sud B-2) in order to give Council flexibility, <br />i.iti.l understanding was to p~rmit colleges in residential districts <br />only (Bethel ~ould then be non-conforming). - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Wingert explained that the applicant would 'have to successfully <br />defend the iSSU8S of 8 PUD permit; to set Standards of totally <br />different sites is extremely difficult to do; the planning is the <br />same with different circumstances to consider individually based <br />on individual circumstances. <br /> <br />Han8on~a.idthe Council haa not t-eceived a recommendation for the <br />amendmeQt fLom the Planning Commission. Hanson asked Miller how <br />Betbel would proceed if it proposes 1, 2 or 3 building~ this year. <br />Mille" ',"plained that Bethel is Ii conforming use as it stands now; <br />~ plan was adopted which includes "as builts" plus buildings dashed <br />1& on their lang range plan which he believes inc~udes possibl, <br />two dormitories; the bUildings shown aD the plan will be permittid <br />by the Building Permit process; if other buildings bciyond this are <br /> <br />proposed, an amended SUP would be required; if proposed building <br />does not conform as reelected on the plan, then an amended SUP <br />will be required. ' <br /> <br />--2 - ' <br />