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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Hlnutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page 'Eh1:"e <br /> <br />May 27, 1980 <br /> <br />vl1ngert explained tllat the proposed amendment is to try to e.stablish <br />equal treatment for the colleges; personally, is not delighted with <br />Busineaa District fOE colleges; expressed reluctance at time Bethel <br />was rezoned to B-l, <br /> <br />Hanson E~ferred to Attorney Regnier's letter; stated that the issue <br />of treating the colleges equally seems unnecessary; Northwestern <br />should ask for rezoning; has not done so, Wingert suggested that <br />the reason for not pursuing a rezoning to B-l is apparent; would <br />not get four votes, <br /> <br />In Favor of Amendment <br />Thomes Erickson, representing Northweste~n College. spoke in favor <br />of the p-roposed ordinance amendment; feels it is lesa than we would <br />desire, but is recommended by the Planner, Planning Commission and <br />City Attorney; would give colleges an equal Oppo?~unity for develop- <br />~ent; c~nsiders it a gampromise Method for reasonable development <br />~~ l~ City gives up no controls. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />In Opposition to Amendment <br />Frank Stantol:, encourage~ CounC,il to make no change!! in the ordinance; <br />feels the ordinance is the same as the District Court found to be <br />sound; ~ees no reason to treat Northwestern and Bethel Colleges equally; <br />Stanton described Betbel as being suited for the purpose for which it <br />is being used; described Northwestern as a drastic change from the <br />former small seminary, which neighbors felt would continue; Northwestern <br />has advised in their lO-year program that they have no plans for change, <br />suggests waiting 5-l0years before change in the ordinance. <br /> <br />gary T!>.2.!2:!. stated that .~he Comprehensive Plan is the framework on which <br />the zoning ordinance Is structured; Comprehensive Plan describes Arden <br />Hilla to be a Village of Homes; ordinance is suppn'i~ive of the premise; <br />ordinance has been passed; City will lose if this s,mendment is granted <br />because a non-conformina use will be changed to conforming and, ~Dereiutc, <br />alJ,ower!. to grcm; nc epecifica hav<! hel!n "eisel down". Thorn said that <br />Northwestern College has whet they want - a Fine Arts Center; let's <br />see whe~ t~e next ~Dyears brings on the Northwestern campus; it's hard <br />to say No .sometimes, but this is the time ~o do so; feels it is beat <br />for the Vil~age; ~ants to assess experience re sirens oarking <br />we need to protect our homes, ' . , etc,; <br /> <br />Dwight Petel?son - amendment propolled is incon.gru"us with action of <br />Council a few months ago; quoted from Ordinance #213, Section V, D 1, <br />R-l Single Family Residential District (read in its entirety); cannot <br />understand the proposed amendment at ehis time if this ordinance was <br />passed only a few months ago. <br /> <br />Wingert moved adoption of this amendment to Ordinance #213 as drafted, <br />Crichton seconded. <br /> <br />Lyndsn noted that, from a proceduLB standpoint, <br />required for au ordinance. <br /> <br />two readings are <br /> <br />Wingert modified his motion to include waiving tbe rules in order that <br />this should be considered the firnt and final reading. Modification <br />was not ~ccepted by Crichton (seconder). <br /> <br />W~odburn noted that there was B public reading of the ordinance at the <br />~lanning Commission meeting. Lynden said this requirement pertains <br />to Council readings. <br /> <br />Crichton Bsid be feels this ordinance 1s too crucial to dispense with <br />the rules. <br /> <br />Crichton moved that ~e have the first reading of Ordinance No, 214, <br />Amending Ordinance No. 213. Woodburn saconded. Motion did not pass <br />(Crichton voting in favor; Hanson, Wingert, Crepeau, Woodburn in <br />opposi tion) , <br /> <br />Hanson moved to vaive the rules BDd give Ordinance No. 214 its first <br />and final reading, seconded by Wingert, Motion carried (Hanson, <br /> <br />-';,- <br />