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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of Regula~ Council M~~ting <br />p ag~~ Four <br /> <br />May27,1980 <br /> <br />Wingert, Crepeau, Woodburn voting in favor; Crichton voting in <br />opposition) . <br /> <br />Hanson moved to deny the proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 213 <br />for three reasons: <br /> <br />1. Northwestern College has indicated no plans for <br />any building, other than the approved Fine Arts <br />Building, in the next five years, so there is no <br />urgency to offer them relief from their non-conforming <br />status. <br /> <br />2. The Supreme Court has not mandated that the City <br />must zone Bethel and Northwestern Colleges identi- <br />cally in their present locations, <br /> <br />3, Makas Northwestern College conforming in a resi- <br />dential ~one without any means of enforcing them <br />to adhere to regulations (proposed by Wingert pre- <br />vio'usly, Feb. 21, 1980 memo to Council~. <br /> <br />110 tion was s,~ conde d by Woodburn. <br /> <br />In discussion, Woodburn referred to the comment thdt the amendment <br />proposal reflects "poor timing". Woodburn said he does not think <br />it is at all a poor time, but rather the best of timing; it's much <br />better to deCide how to approach something in general before you <br />have a specific proposal; all our ordinanceB do this; everything <br />we paBs does not address an issue that is here no'~ - we will <br />address an issue in the future, and the general PUD Ordinance does <br />this and it ~'asntt passed to take care of one situation that was <br />facing us. <br /> <br />Motion did nc,t carry (Hanson, Crepeau voting in f'lvor; Wingert, <br />Crichton, Woodburn voting in opposition). <br /> <br />Crichton moved that Council adopt Ordinance No. 214, Ordinance <br />Amending Ordinance No. 213. Motion was seconded by Wingert. <br /> <br />In discussion. Crichton noted that Ordinance No. 213 was adopted <br />to handle the numerous problems on which we all concurred; we, in <br />effect, deferred this one question. Wingert commented that he <br />feels we look kind of "silly" sticking where we are, taking a <br />"head ill the sand" approach to this; "auld like to get it cleaned <br />up; the advantage to the City, further than our oun personal <br />embarassrnent, is that he thinks for either of the colleges to <br />proceed, requires that they do a careful, thoughtful and professional <br />job of developing a PUD on which to proceed; feel. this is some- <br />thing than can be overlooked easily in the flurry of "having to <br />get that building up, because---"; feels the time to do this is <br />when you a re no t "unde r the gun"; sugges te d tba t I:he college s <br />come up with a sensible and well established, well supported PUD; <br />the reeson for their doing so is to get ~D?forming~ not to get <br />us to pass something and the pressure is off them ar.d presumably <br />they will perform better that function of getting a PUD. Wingert <br />said for this reason he'd like tn get the process started, Wingert <br />c>!J_ci, he i$ not, ill favor of "'aiti,,~: 5 or 10 yesrs until there is <br />a dire need to build and applicant, consequently, is pushing and <br />shoving to get approval. <br /> <br />HanBo~ said the District Court pretty well outlined the present <br />CouDcil's attitude on the potencial nuisance value of colleges in <br />residential 20nes; Btill very concerned about these things; can't <br />allow expansion indefinitely without becoming a nuisance; ho~ to <br />~0ul~~1 this is a major concern; one way to do this is make them <br />non~ccnform:Lns .. <br /> <br />-L.. <br />