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<br />Hiuutei3 O~ R~gular C[lun~il il~~ting <br />I.age Three; <br /> <br />April 28, 1980 <br /> <br />C'!!'..!'.-No. fp-~ l.ot Sf~~~.~ and :Buildit!:1.! P"rm:~!:. <br />Cliff Lu,,,, and Scott Re';e!:ts ;;>resented plall; for a 64,000 sq. ft. <br />warehouse On LexiagtD~ Av.aue on preperty w.ned by Starco, Inc., <br />south of lad Fox Road. The '",arehouse site, he explained, is proposed <br />to be split from ths l-shaped parcel on wh~ch e smaller bUilding, <br />ocCupied ~y St. Judu Medical, Is located. <br /> <br />Lund B~Id the plans bave beeD amended as recommended by the Planning <br />Comm:l.sfl1o,;, noted 'nu,t the pr'>posed dre1l1ag'~ ditch along the north <br />side of the site viII be enti%ely within the site; the building will <br />be o~.-stcry, 16 it in height, with an area in the rear 20' high; <br />the front af the building will be brick, the north and south sides, <br />b>:ea{i-off block, the rear COlilmon block. Parking was described as <br />adequate, exceeding ordinance requirements an both sites. <br /> <br />· Lund s'Aid he an't.icipates com?letion of the building by September 1st, <br />has se~.r&l rental possibLlities for tbe building. <br /> <br />The ~xterior liCh~ing was d~scribed as typical sodium down~lights on <br />the building as indicated; parking areas will not be lighted. <br /> <br />.Af';er discussion, Wingert moved, seconded 1::, Hanson, that Council <br />approve the lot split and issuance of . Building Permit for the ware- <br />house as shown on planu received 4-28-80, With the understanding that <br />before bUilding occupancy: <br /> <br />1) e landscape plan and landscape bond (in the amount of 125%) <br />will be p~ovided and approved, <br /> <br />2) park d'!dicl'\tioil resolved, and <br /> <br />3) RCWD'~ approval of the drainsge plBn. <br /> <br />Hotlon carried unanimous ly. <br /> <br />:?e.J!11,orary ;~-gn P"'~t, Hode.ic.Jiome - K~"'7th L~,ka South <br />Marcel Eibausteiner pres.ated a sketch af a proposed 20' wide and 4' <br />high sign, to be Constructed of rough .awn cedar with brick pillars <br />on each Glde; said be proposed to locate th! sigu in the hill, about <br />10' off Ha~line property line; sign would b. perpendicular to Hamline <br />and pBr.l1~1 with -,Dcrest Court, sign viII he lighted from a shelf <br />on thesigr. with SOU1"ee of light h:i.dden fron vi''''1. <br /> <br />Lfter diSCUSsion, Wingort moved, seconded by CriChton, that Council <br />€;ppr"."e isc;usl1ce of a sign permit for a tem;.>orary sign, 15' JI: :3' in <br />Eize, IDca~ed 10' fro. Hamline property linH, far 18 months. Hotion <br />carried unonimously. <br /> <br />Bel~tr Bui~d~~~~e8t for Vfllsge to_Ac~~~'dditional Park Site <br />ill .ranGe Ef'tates <br />'Council WEl(.- ireferr'~d to letter from M-ark l1u;:1"w"ki, Belair Iluild<,rs. Inc. <br />(4-21-80) ~Dd attacbmentB. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Wingert said, if the City could Use tbe add~tionsl park, be would not <br />be unhappy with tbe proposal; Rccording to Parks Director Buckley, <br />the City dces not oBad a p~rk in this area. Wingert noted tbat the <br />site was accepted originally for .ster storEge, not park purposes. <br /> <br />It vas tbe CODcea8UB of the Council to not accept the offer. <br /> <br />Cricbtoc mc""u, second"d oJ' 1I"'>1son, that Counci12>ttend the deadline <br />for Belair, Inc. to pay t~e park dedicatiDn balance for Jane~ Estates <br />to JUDe 3D, 1981, or until issuance of the O&xt BUilding Permit, which- <br />8VEr occurs first. MatioD carried unanimcusly. <br /> <br />StRtuS Reporl: - Cable T.V. <br />-'--"~~.,--....__.~~ <br />Councj:l '(:ta3 refel~~~.;d. to-;;~COi..'H)G0d C~bl,.. T'~1~u!s1_o'.'. Q i i 1 <br />r. - ~ -_0_ _ wuest oona ire mai ing <br />P1:0posa.l. <br /> <br />:3 <br />