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<br />Micute. of Regular Council Meeting <br />PaSe Pour <br /> <br />April 14. 1980 <br /> <br />3. the ace.s. an4 egre.. from Ly~i. Avenue i. adequat~ <br />so DO supplemental emergency. or otherwise. entrance <br />from adjacent re.idential streets in Arden HillB <br />will ba required. and <br /> <br />4. fira lana. heve been identified tbroughout tbe campuB. <br /> <br />B. Drainage Bhall be approved by the City Engineer and tbe <br />Rice Creek Watershed DiBtrict. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C. LandBcaping and lighting planB Bhall be approved by the <br />City Planner. <br /> <br />D. The brick uBed for exterior facing Bhall be compatible <br />aeBthetically witb tbe adjacent buildings as repreBented <br />by-the'rendurings. <br /> <br />E. NortbweeternCollege shall deposit with the City an amount <br />equal to 125% of the completed landBcaping and cOBt of <br />completed parking areas aB esUmated by the City Planner <br />and City Engineer, or an equivalent Performance Bond to <br />aBsure construction Bhall be completed within ,12 monthB <br />from com.encement of construction, unleBs it becomeB neces- <br />Bary bacause of delays caused by strikes and material Bbort- <br />agea. or otber unavoidable occurrenceB tbat ~ortbweBtarn <br />College applles for and receivea approval of an extenBion of <br />time by the City Council. <br /> <br />F. Northwestern College Bball file a deed reatriction accep- <br />table to tbe RegiBter of Deeds tbat indicates tbe residentB <br />of the City may UBe tbe athleticfacilitieB wbenever such <br />facilities are not being used by the BtudentB of tbe college. <br />as satiBfacti~n for park dedication requirements. <br /> <br />G. NortbweBtern College ebal~ maintain, at the college'B expense. <br />in perpetuity. the fence now in exiBtence on tbe eaBt property <br />line. or an equivalent acceptable to the City. witbno vehicle <br />or pedestrian access, end if any violation of this occurs it <br />Bball be considered anuiBance and tbe Special UBe Permit shall <br />be Bubject to cancellation. which would remove tbe right of <br />the college to occupy the Fine Arts Center building'until <br />the, nu:l.aauce has been rectified. after whicb tbecollege <br />lIlay reapply for renewal of tbe Special Use Permit Which the <br />Council may reinstate without holding a public heering. at <br />their discretion. In the event any furtber or different <br />vehicular or pedeB trian acceBS iB required for Nort'hweB tern <br />College for any reaBon, including the action of governmental <br />autbori UeB, the Special Use Permi t herewith granted shall <br />be revoked. <br /> <br />Motion waB seconded by Crepeau. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In discusBion. necessity of Council declaring "findingB of fact" waB <br />queried. Regnier ,Baid it iB a good idea to have findings of fact; Beid <br />that conditions are needed as a basia for a Special UBe Permit. <br /> <br />ErickBon's reBponBe was that tbe "f:l.ndingB" seemed to be statemen tB <br />of the City; not all factB; agreeB that a variance is not required <br />for tbe building beight (Ord. 99); huno disagreement with any type <br />of permit ,aB long a8 College is not delayed further -not concerned <br />with what tbe City calls tbe permit; by virtue of the court order. <br />a Building Permit is needed. ErickBon suggeBted that the City and <br />College enter into an acceptable joint agreement relative to park <br />dedication; does not see need to file with Register of Deeds; asked <br />if athletic facilities are playing fields or interior fecilitieB. <br />Hanson Baid playing fields and gymnasium were indicated by the ParkB <br />Director aB desirab,le; exact termB to be worked out by City and <br />NorthweBtern College. <br /> <br />DetailB of BanBon'. findings of fact (items 1-10) were not discuBBed <br />or eccepted by the Council as a whole. <br /> <br />-4- <br />