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<br />Mj,n\lteE of Ref~ular Council M~~~1n3 <br />Pag" 1'\/0 <br /> <br />F~bruary 11, 1980 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Fea.::ibility Study for .CouEi:Y_Ro_::.~_E I.'!'J~~e_:nt <br />Christcffersen eutlinecl the specifics ~o be covered in tile fea- <br />sibility study; reported that he has turned the lighting and <br />traffic aspects over to Van Wormer (SED), will work vith the City <br />Planner on the proposed plan which he underRtands will incorporate: <br />1. underground utility lines <br />2. "alkways <br />3. landscaping plan <br />4. traffic lane separation <br />5. decorative and functional lighting <br />Christoffersen was requested to verifY the costs that have been <br />obtained, and to prepare the feasibility study accordingly. It <br />Was suggested that the NSP costSb~P~WO ~ ~ury lines <br />in front of the properties only, aRi t _~. i.IR' <br />~ r~ar of the properties; also to determine ~hat the cost does <br />and does not include (i.e. individual hook ups. If not included <br />in cost estimate, estimate of individual connection costs would <br />be desirable). <br /> <br />It was noted that the cost of the land9cBpe plan preparation <br />should be included, but not the cost of a~tual plan~ materials, <br />which are to he planted, by and at the individual property owner'e <br />expense. <br /> <br />It vas Council's understanding that Christoffersen verify cost <br />estimates, net request engineering studies whi~h woald entail <br />coot reimbursement by the City. <br /> <br />Lexington Aveau8 Slope Easements <br />Cricbton reperted that Ramsey County 1s attempting to obtain slope <br />ess~ments in tbe County RORd D to E Lexington Avenue improvement <br />area; explained that a few Arden Hill. residen!s arB Dot amenable <br />to the reduction of their ,ards and/o? 108s of trees to permit a <br />3-1 slope; advised that, if the City approves. 2-1 slope in these <br />areas, as well as along tbe Ingerson Park pr~perty, the County will <br />not need to encroach on the private properties and will, thirefore, <br />not nBed to obtain EasemeLts~ <br /> <br />In disc""sio'", ChriBtoffenl"n remarked that.. '2 to 1 slope 1.s <br />difficult to msintain if it extends more than a few feet up or <br />down; noted that it is conSidered acceptable in tight 8reas~ <br />Ch~~iBtofferS~D 3ugg€~ted that the COllnty be relJuired to tr~n9plant <br />t.,he tr.ees in th,;~ slope ar.ea after ;grading i8 c,omplet.edll as part of <br />their re9tor~tlon agre2meut~ <br /> <br />It is Council's understanding that a combined SboreviEw/Arden Hillsl <br />Raasey County meeting will be forthcoming re the Leziagton Avenue <br />improvement plans in the County Road D to E ares. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />In discussion of the fence proposed to aeparetl~ the bikeway from <br />the steep slope along the Arden Plaza property, it was reported <br />that the Cou~ty is amenable to 9u81eatioDs, hut feels a substantial <br />"fencetf is needed for safety. <br /> <br />REPORT 0],' VIU:,AGE TREASURER DONALD LA~lB <br /> <br />Investment <br />$250-;OOOfor 90 days at Ncrth""stern National jJ'ank, St. Paul, at <br />13.5% intere~t, to mature May 2, 1980. <br /> <br />Hanson ~oved that Council ratify the inv8stment .. reported by the <br />Treasur.r. Hotion was secouded by Wingert .ad carried unanimously. <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />m)Js..!!.!:ion l~9lS1>ecial DE'? Permit.~~.y 3rot'""". In"-, 125L~~ <br />COlfl~e 11'1- A~'e'l~ <br /> <br />2 <br />