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<br />. <br /> <br />Arden Hills Council <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />February 8, 1993 <br /> <br />(this action was originally taken at January <br />25, 1993 Regular Council Meeting), and <br />Resol ution No. 93-09 <br />"Ordering Preparation of Plans And Specifications <br />In The Matter of The 1993 Pavement Maintenance <br />Improvements" <br />(this action was originally taken at January <br />?s.. lqq3 RpQ'l1.1 al~ C()\JD~i.J Meeting) ,: <br /> <br />a.Dc] <br /> <br />?) nirp0t the ~jty Fnginppy to prppar~ ? Y~'fisp~ ,qq~ <br />Pavement Management prngram ~P8sibility Report to <br />in~lllde more streets: in light of the R'rai]~~ility nf <br />11neKpec~ed MSA flJnding. <br /> <br />Moti,on carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone directed staff to notify the City <br />Engineer to prepare for about 20% more than can actually be <br />accomplished in the 1993 program to allow for possible cuts. <br /> <br />. BUDGET PLANNING <br /> <br />Couocilmember Malone asked if a budget document would be <br />avai~able soon for Council review. Accountant Post replied <br />that he expected the document to be ready prior to the end <br />of the month. <br /> <br />CITY CHECKS <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone asked if the checks now beiog used by <br />the City could have some other identifying code other than <br />reusable temporary cbeck nnmbers because the check nnmbering <br />sequence is confusing. Accountant Post agreed and said the <br />{"~1-I~..l("'k nnrnbs:?ring SPCJ:l.l./?JI"f" hpfnr-p Counc:i 1. thi c~ even; ng j s <br />llDusual 5.D t~at i~ YPprpspnt~ t~~ rl~ims dpt~i.l for hot~ th~ <br />'!'S!q~ 8n~ '!R!q~ ~nunc~l mpptings. <br /> <br />WIlTEB__'l'Ql-1.EE_ L Tl}!{'T'S <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone reported that the light on the south <br />side of the water tower is not operating. Public Works <br />Superintendent said he would see that the light is replaced. <br /> <br />rOUNCILMEMBER TRAINING <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />councilmember Aplikowski reported that she has completed <br />Counoilmember training offered through the Government <br />Training Center and the League of Minnesota Cities. She <br />thanked the c'ty for the opportunity to attend the training <br />stating she fOllnd it ,rpry ~plpful <br />