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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,Jl.yi!,o::.D. Hil1~, rnl1n('~~' <br /> <br />g <br /> <br />F~br1.l;:l.ry R.. , gg3 <br /> <br />ARSRNAL PPopppmy UpnAmp <br /> <br />Mayor Sather reported that he recently met with Ramsey <br />County officials regarding pursuing joint use of the arsenal <br />property. He stated that although it does not appear that <br />needs coordinate, it may be possible and cost effective to <br />share such items as sand/salt storage, maintenance space, <br />etc., and there is money available through the state to help <br />facilitate these kinds of joint efforts. He provided an <br />update as to what further steps are being taken to pursue <br />the possibility of joint efforts. <br /> <br />FF~~H~PQ~E WORKSESSION DAY <br /> <br />Mayor sather ':equested Council consider changing the regular <br />dRY for Council worksessions from the third Monday to the <br />thi ,-d Tnesday of eve;:y month, in on:J.e', to a.~('ommodate '" <br />.sr;np01l1 i ng [<()nfl i rt np n~'~. Cnunr; 1 agreed t.o thi_s cha.ngp. <br /> <br />MO'J':rON: <br /> <br />Malnnp moved; sAcondpd ~y Hi~k~i tn ampnd t~p ]qq3 rity <br />Mppting r~lpnrl~r for tnp rpmaindpy of ],991 to r~f1ert <br />legn 1:1 '( council. workSeS8:1. ons on trIP 1:rrl. Tuesday of each <br />month rather than the 3rd Monday of each month. Motion <br />carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />C;:Qr;r~KJL SEAT CANDIDATES <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone asked how many candidates have applied <br />for the unexpired term of former Councilmember Growe. <br />Deputy Clerk Iago reported there are two candidates, the <br />deadline for application has passed, and she understood <br />discussion on this matter would take place at the next <br />Council worksession. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks asked if Council would to invite <br />thp two caDdj~8t8s to the next Council wnr~spssinn for <br />intpr,!;pwing plJrpn~P5 M~ynY R~theY st~tp~ th8t h~ ~lr~A~Y <br />h~R 8 ~trnng prpfpypocp to qplprt thp candidate who has 8 <br />lnng histnry ryf ~pr'Tic8 to th~ City. <br /> <br />COlJnci] AoljknwRki aRked uh~t nrnrpsp ha~ tra~itjnnal]v bPPD <br />- - - <br />used to appoint a candidate to a vacant unexpired Council <br />seat, stating that inviting the candidates for interviews <br />would be a nice gesture. Sather said there is no tradition; <br />that a variety of processes have been used in the past. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks and Malone supported Sather's philosophy <br />of preference for the candidate with a long history of <br />service to the City despite the fact that the other <br />candidate may have good qualifications. <br />