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<br />---.-- -,..---- ---..----- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 12, 1983 <br />Page Pour <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />McClung said he realizes that Council cannot do anything with <br />this plat until action on Royal Rills North plat is taken. <br /> <br /> <br />McAllister moved th.t Council ..pprove the Preliminary Plat of <br />McClung Third Addition contingent upon .pproval of the Preliminary <br />Plat of Royal Hills North. Woodburn seconded the motion. <br /> <br />In further discussion, Mulcahy and Christiansen they would <br />prefer to t.ble .ction pending negotiations with Reiling for <br />~. street. <br /> <br />McClung this would not any difference to him. It w.s .., <br />felt th.t an engineering study will help to prove that Royal <br />Hills North will work and may also affect the McClung Third <br />Addition plat; street must be aligned in both plats. It was <br />expressed that it may be dangerous to .pprove McClung Third <br />Addition before it is determined whether changes will be made <br />in the pl.t to the north. <br /> <br />Christiansen moved, seconded by Mule.hy, th.t Council t.ble <br />the motion until resolution of the plat to the north. Motion <br />c.rried un.nimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Case No. 83J19. Minor Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 4, Shady <br />Oaks Addition - Walter Dunnett <br />Council was referred to . transparency of the Dunnett'property, <br />consisting of two lots of , record and the proposed subdivision <br />of the balance of the property into two lots. Miller reviewed <br />~revious recommendations of the Planning Commission and reported <br />that Council tabled its action pending topographical drainage <br />snd building information, and possible relocation of the west <br />lot line, if deamed necessary to provide for a building envelope <br />on the lots. <br /> <br />Miller noted that'the transparency as seen tonight is in answer <br />to Council's requests of 9/12/83. <br /> <br />Miller noted tha~, as proposed, the northerly lot includes the <br />pond (cleans up land fragments previously shown as an outlot). <br />Miller noted that the City Engineer is not bothered by filling <br />on the lots; noted that the drainage currently goes through the <br />building envelopes but there appears to be sufficient land on <br />either side of the drainage for building pads. Miller said <br />that no grading plans have been prepared; can be done on an <br />individual basis; noted there are optimal building envelopes on <br />both lots; both lots are considered buildable; noted that some <br />fill will be required; noted that there is a severe grade change <br />between the lots and the road. <br /> <br />Mulcahy said he has reservations approving the subdivision before <br />a development proposal is submitted. Dunnett said he proposes <br />to sell the lots; ~ants the lots available to sell at some time <br />in the future. Miller said the subdivision is considered feasible~ <br />as proposed; suggested that approval of drainage plan by City <br />Engineer be required prior to issuance of building permits. . <br /> <br />Christiansen moved, seconded by McAllister, that Council approve <br />the minOr subdivision as proposed, with the proviso that any <br />fill on the two lots will be as approved by the City Engineer, <br />to provide fOr adequste drainage of the area. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (4-0) <br />