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<br /> , <br /> . <br /> " <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Mee tin g <br /> Monday, October 31, 1983 <br /> Page Two <br /> It was noted by Woodburn that the basis for the arsenal location <br /> for ball fields is resident opposition to league play in <br /> neighborhood parks. Tooke r s ugges te d a facility similar to that <br /> in Cummings Park, which he des cribed as a "magnificent facility" . <br /> Adele An de rs on, Park Committee member, asked if the Committee <br /> will be given an opportunity to respond to the report and to <br /> d is cuss the re commendati ons wi th Mr. Tooker. <br /> Council accepted Mr. Tooker's rep art; e xpres sed its appreciation . <br /> to Mr. Tooke r for the evaluation, and referred the report to the <br /> Parks and Recreation Committee for study and comments to Counci 1. <br /> Industrial Revenue Bonds for Arden Hills' Business Center, <br /> Woodbridge Properties , Inc. <br /> Council was re fe rre d to draft of Industrial Revenue Financing <br /> Application Requirements for Arden Hills Business Center, which <br /> Bond Counsel Deans said he and Clerk Administrator McNiesh, <br /> propose for Council's consideration. Dean's explained that <br /> even though general guidelines have not been adopted for <br /> Industrial Reven ue Financing, .he feels Council should at Ie as t <br /> adopt application requirements for this specific project, which <br /> he des cri be d as standard requirements for application. Deans <br /> repo rted that Woo db ri dge has submitted most of the requi remen ts <br /> already. <br /> In discussion of the Application Req ui remen t s and Application <br /> Form, it was noted by De ans that the pcoject involves 3 phases; <br /> and the re fore 3 public hearings are requi re d and 3 applications. <br /> Deans explained that the amoun t of non-refundab Ie cash payment <br /> and the amount of cash deposit for administrative and consulting <br /> costs are a Council determination; the $5,000 and $10,000 are <br /> suggested amounts, and are the fees charged by some neighboring <br /> cities. Deans explained that specific fee requirements should <br /> be adopted; noted that a fee can be waived by Council for specific <br /> projects, if Council determines to do so. <br /> (Section 2 - Other Conditions) <br /> Deans explained that all required repo rts on the project, e. g. <br /> feasibility study, will be submi t ted to Council prior to the <br /> public hearing by the various consultants; noted that the City <br /> has the ri gh t to designate the bond counsel, and other <br /> consultants, and to emp loy desired le gal, accounting, engineering, <br /> etc. consultants to review the project; noted that the cos t <br /> for such consultants is paid by the applicant. <br /> Mr. Russell Prince, Juran and Moody, explained that an in-depth <br /> analysis will be made by the financial institution providing <br /> the Letter of Credi t; there wi II neve r be a loss on it. <br /> In explanation of lIequity" and IIguarantee" (Section 2(e) and (f)) , <br /> Prince said 'equity' allows the City to require the Letter <br /> of Credit for security;'guarantee' is when a project has IIgone <br /> bad. " . <br /> Mulcahy suggested that the application requirements be a <br /> Hpermissivell type document; suggested "may" in all cases" rather <br /> than "shall" . <br /> In explanation of the "hold harmless" requirement (section 2(h)) <br /> De ans said this is another assurance to alleviate the litigation <br /> problem, which is standard procedure; noted that his office will <br /> require the "hold harmlessll; explained it applies to items <br /> occuring before the bonds are issued. <br /> (Section 2(k) No As s ignmen t. Deans explained that this prevents <br /> the sale of the applicant's rights to anyone else. <br />